
This page addresses some problems that may be encountered with MicroStructPy. If this page does not address your problem, please submit an issue through the package GitHub page.


These are problems encountered when installing MicroStructPy.

MeshPy fails to install

Problem Description

When installing the package, either through PyPI as pip install microstructpy or from the source as pip install -e . in the top-level directory, an error message appears during the meshpy install. The error message indicates that Visual Studio cannot find the pybind11 headers.

Problem Solution

Install pybind11 first by running pip install pybind11, then try to install MicroStructPy.

Command Line Interface

These are problems encountered when running microstructpy input_file.xml.

Command not found on Linux

Problem Description

The MicroStructPy package installs without a problem, however on running microstructpy example_file.xml the following message appears:

microstructpy: command not found

Problem Solution

The command line interface (CLI) is install to a directory that is not in the PATH variable. Check for the CLI in ~/.local/bin and if it is there, add the following to your ~/.bash_profile file:

export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin

then source the .bash_profile file by running source ~/.bash_profile.

Could not connect to display

Problem Description

The program crashes while trying to plot and there is an error message that says:

QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display

The show_plots setting in the input file is set to False, so a display should not be necessary.

Problem Solution

The default behavior for matplotlib is to use an interactive backend. If MicroStructPy is running in an environment that cannot create windows, then matplotlib will crash.

This problem can be solved in two way, 1) run MicrostructPy in an environment with windows or 2) set the default behavior of matplotlib to use a non-interactive backend. For option 2, add the following to your matplotlibrc file:

backend : agg

The path to matplotlibrc file is OS-dependent and explained on the matplotlib website. For Linux, the path is ~/.config/matplotlib/matplotlibrc.

‘tkinter’ not found on Linux

Problem Description

The MicroStructPy package installs without a problem, however on running microstructpy example_file.xml the following error is raised:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tkinter'

Problem Solution

To install tkinter for Python 3 on Linux, run the following command:

sudo apt-get install python3-tk

For Python 2, run the following instead:

sudo apt-get install python-tk

Program quits/segfaults while calculating Voronoi diagram

Problem Description

During the calculating Voronoi diagram step, the program either quits or segfaults.

Problem Solution

This issue was experienced while running 32-bit Python with a large number of seeds. Python ran out of memory addresses and segfaulted. Switching from 32-bit to 64-bit Python solved the problem.