Python Package Guide

The Python package for MicroStructPy includes the following:

├─ cli
├─ geometry
│  ├─ Box
│  ├─ Cube
│  ├─ Circle
│  ├─ Ellipse
│  ├─ Ellipsoid
│  ├─ Rectangle
│  ├─ Square
│  └─ Sphere
├─ seeding
│  ├─ Seed
│  └─ SeedList
├─ meshing
│  ├─ PolyMesh
│  └─ TriMesh
└─ verification

The cli module contains the functions related to the command line interface (CLI), including converting XML input files into dictionaries. The geometry module contains classes for seed and domain geometries. In the seeding package, there is the single Seed class and the SeedList class, which functions like a Python list but includes some additional methods such as positioning and plotting the seeds. Next, the PolyMesh and TriMesh classes are contained in the meshing module. A PolyMesh can be created from a SeedList and a TriMesh can be created from a PolyMesh. Finally, the verification module contains functions to compare the output PolyMesh and TriMesh with desired microstructural properties.

This guide explains how to use the MicroStructPy Python package. It starts with a script that executes an abbreviated version of the standard workflow. The checks, restarts, etc are excluded to show how the principal classes are used in a workflow. The following sections describe the meshing methods, the file I/O and plotting functions, and the format of a material phase dictionary.

The Standard Workflow

Below is an input file similar to the Input File Introduction. The script that follows will produce the same results as running this script from the command line interface.

XML Input File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                <name> Matrix </name>
                <material_type> matrix </material_type>
                <fraction> 2 </fraction>
                <shape> circle </shape>
                        <dist_type> uniform </dist_type>
                        <loc> 0 </loc>
                        <scale> 1.5 </scale>

                <name> Inclusions </name>
                <fraction> 1 </fraction>
                <shape> circle </shape>
                <diameter> 2 </diameter>

                <shape> square </shape>
                <side_length> 20 </side_length>
                <corner> (0, 0) </corner>

                        <size> 1 </size>

                <mesh_min_angle> 25 </mesh_min_angle>

Equivalent Python Script

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import microstructpy as msp
import scipy.stats

# Create Materials
material_1 = {
        'name': 'Matrix',
        'material_type': 'matrix',
        'fraction': 2,
        'shape': 'circle',
        'size': scipy.stats.uniform(loc=0, scale=1.5)

material_2 = {
        'name': 'Inclusions',
        'fraction': 1,
        'shape': 'circle',
        'diameter': 2

materials = [material_1, material_2]

# Create Domain
domain = msp.geometry.Square(side_length=15, corner=(0, 0))

# Create List of Un-Positioned Seeds
seed_area = domain.area
rng_seeds = {'size': 1}
seeds = msp.seeding.SeedList.from_info(materials,

# Position Seeds in Domain

# Create Polygonal Mesh
pmesh = msp.meshing.PolyMesh.from_seeds(seeds, domain)

# Create Triangular Mesh
min_angle = 25
tmesh = msp.meshing.TriMesh.from_polymesh(pmesh,

# Save txt files

# Plot outputs
seed_colors = ['C' + str(s.phase) for s in seeds]
seeds.plot(facecolors=seed_colors, edgecolor='k')

poly_colors = [seed_colors[n] for n in pmesh.seed_numbers]
pmesh.plot(facecolors=poly_colors, edgecolor='k')

tri_colors = [seed_colors[n] for n in tmesh.element_attributes]
tmesh.plot(facecolors=tri_colors, edgecolor='k')

Highlighted are the four principal methods used in generating a microstructure: SeedList.from_info(), SeedList.position(), PolyMesh.from_seeds(), TriMesh.from_polymesh().

Meshing Methods

Laguerre-Voronoi Tessellation

Polygonal/polyhedral meshes are generated in MicroStructPy using a Laguerre-Voronoi tessellation, also known as a Power Diagram. It is conceptually similar to a Voronoi diagram, the difference being that seed points are weighted rather than unweighted. In the PolyMesh.from_seeds() method, the center of a seed is consider a Voronoi seed point and the radius is its weight.

Non-circular seeds are replaced by their breakdown, resulting in multiple Voronoi cells representing a single grain. To retrieve all of the cells that represent a single grain, mask the seed_numbers property of a PolyMesh.

The Laguerre-Voronoi diagram is created by Voro++, which is accessed using pyvoro.

Unstructured Meshing

The triangular/tetrahedral meshes are generated in MicroStructPy using the MeshPy package. It links with Triangle to create 2D triangular meshes and with TetGen to create 3D tetrahedral meshes.

A polygonal mesh, PolyMesh, can be converted into an unstructured mesh using the TriMesh.from_polymesh() method. Cells of the same seed number are merged before meshing to prevent unnecessary internal geometry. Similarly, if the material_type of a phase is set to amorphous, then cells of the same phase number are also merged. Cells with the material_type set to void are treated as holes in MeshPy, resulting in voids in the output mesh.

File I/O & Plot Methods

There are file read and write functions associated with each of the classes listed above.

The read methods are:

The write methods are:

The read functions currently only support reading cache text files. The SeedList only writes to cache text files, while PolyMesh and TriMesh can output to several file formats.

The SeedList, PolyMesh, and TriMesh classes have the following plotting methods:

These functions operate like the matplotlib plt.plot function in that they just plot to the current figure. You still need to add plt.axis('equal'),, etc to format and view the plots.

Phase Dictionaries

Functions with phase information input require a list of dictionaries, one for each material phase. The dictionaries should be organized in a manner similar to the example below.

phase = {
       'name': 'Example Phase',
       'color': 'blue',
       'material_type': 'crystalline',
       'fraction': 0.5,
       'max_volume': 0.1,
       'shape': 'ellipse',
       'size': 1.2,
       'aspect_ratio': 2

The dictionary contains both data about the phase as a whole, such as its volume fraction and material type, and about the individual grains. The keywords size and aspect_ratio are keyword arguments for defining an Ellipse, so those are passed through to the Ellipse class when creating the seeds. For a non-uniform size (or aspect ratio) distribution, replace the constant value with a distribution from the SciPy scipy.stats module. For example:

import scipy.stats
size_dist = scipy.stats.uniform(loc=1, scale=0.4)
phase['size'] = size_dist

The max_volume option allows for maximum element volume controls to be phase-specific.