Source code for microstructpy.geometry.ellipsoid

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#                                                                             #
# Import Modules                                                              #
#                                                                             #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
from __future__ import division

import warnings

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial.distance
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from pyquaternion import Quaternion

from microstructpy import _misc
from microstructpy.geometry.ellipse import Ellipse

__author__ = 'Kenneth (Kip) Hart'

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
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# Ellipsoid Class                                                             #
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# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class Ellipsoid(object): """A 3D Ellipsoid This class contains the data and functions for a 3D ellispoid. It is defined by its center, axes, and orientation. If multiple keywords are given for the shape of the ellipsoid, there is no guarantee for which keywords are used. Args: a (float): *(optional)* First semi-axis of ellipsoid. Default is 1. b (float): *(optional)* Second semi-axis of ellipsoid. Default is 1. c (float): *(optional)* Third semi-axis of ellipsoid. Default is 1. center (list): *(optional)* The ellipsoid center. Defaults to (0, 0, 0). axes (list): *(optional)* List of 3 semi-axes. Defaults to (1, 1, 1). size (float): *(optional)* The diameter of a sphere with equal volume. Defaults to 2. ratio_ab (float): *(optional)* The ratio of a to b. ratio_ac (float): *(optional)* The ratio of a to c. ratio_bc (float): *(optional)* The ratio of b to c. ratio_ba (float): *(optional)* The ratio of b to a. ratio_ca (float): *(optional)* The ratio of c to a. ratio_cb (float): *(optional)* The ratio of c to b. rot_seq (list): *(optional)* List of rotations (deg). Each element of the list should be an (axis, angle) tuple. The options for the axis are: 'x', 'y', 'z', 1, 2, or 3. For example:: rot_seq = [('x', 10), (2, -20), ('z', 85), ('x', 21)] rot_seq_deg (list): *(optional)* Alias for ``rot_seq``, with degrees stated explicitly. rot_seq_rad (list): *(optional)* Same format as ``rot_seq``, except the angles are expressed in radians. matrix (numpy.ndarray): *(optional)* A 3x3 rotation matrix expressing the orientation of the ellipsoid. Defaults to the identity. position : *(optional)* Alias for ``center``. orientation: *(optional)* Alias for ``matrix``. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): # Position if 'center' in kwargs: = kwargs['center'] elif 'position' in kwargs: = kwargs['position'] else: = (0, 0, 0) # Axes self.a = None self.b = None self.c = None ratio_ab = None ratio_ac = None ratio_bc = None size = None if 'a' in kwargs: self.a = kwargs['a'] if 'b' in kwargs: self.b = kwargs['b'] if 'c' in kwargs: self.c = kwargs['c'] if 'ratio_ab' in kwargs: ratio_ab = kwargs['ratio_ab'] elif 'ratio_ba' in kwargs: ratio_ab = 1 / kwargs['ratio_ba'] if 'ratio_ac' in kwargs: ratio_ac = kwargs['ratio_ac'] elif 'ratio_ca' in kwargs: ratio_ac = 1 / kwargs['ratio_ca'] if 'ratio_bc' in kwargs: ratio_bc = kwargs['ratio_bc'] elif 'ratio_cb' in kwargs: ratio_bc = 1 / kwargs['ratio_cb'] if 'size' in kwargs: size = kwargs['size'] elif 'volume' in kwargs: size = 2 * np.cbrt(3 * kwargs['volume'] / (4 * np.pi)) if 'axes' in kwargs: self.a, self.b, self.c = kwargs['axes'] if (self.a is not None) and (self.b is not None): ratio_ab = self.a / self.b if (self.a is not None) and (self.c is not None): ratio_ac = self.a / self.c if (self.b is not None) and (self.c is not None): ratio_bc = self.b / self.c if (ratio_ab is not None) and (ratio_bc is not None): ratio_ac = ratio_ab * ratio_bc if (ratio_ab is not None) and (ratio_ac is not None): ratio_bc = ratio_ac / ratio_ab if (ratio_ac is not None) and (ratio_bc is not None): ratio_ab = ratio_ac / ratio_bc for _ in range(2): if self.a is None: if (ratio_ab is not None) and (self.b is not None): self.a = ratio_ab * self.b elif (ratio_ac is not None) and (self.c is not None): self.a = ratio_ac * self.c if self.b is None: if (ratio_ab is not None) and (self.a is not None): self.b = self.a / ratio_ab elif (ratio_bc is not None) and (self.c is not None): self.b = ratio_bc * self.a if self.c is None: if (ratio_ac is not None) and (self.a is not None): self.c = self.a / ratio_ac elif (ratio_bc is not None) and (self.b is not None): self.c = self.b / ratio_bc if (self.a is not None) and (self.b is not None): ratio_ab = self.a / self.b if (self.a is not None) and (self.c is not None): ratio_ac = self.a / self.c if (self.b is not None) and (self.c is not None): ratio_bc = self.b / self.c if (ratio_ab is not None) and (ratio_bc is not None): ratio_ac = ratio_ab * ratio_bc if (ratio_ab is not None) and (ratio_ac is not None): ratio_bc = ratio_ac / ratio_ab if (ratio_ac is not None) and (ratio_bc is not None): ratio_ab = ratio_ac / ratio_bc if (size is not None): r_eff = 0.5 * size r3 = r_eff * r_eff * r_eff if (self.a is not None) and (self.b is not None): self.c = r3 / (self.a * self.b) elif (self.b is not None) and (self.c is not None): self.a = r3 / (self.b * self.c) elif (self.a is not None) and (self.c is not None): self.b = r3 / (self.a * self.c) elif (self.a is not None) and (ratio_bc is not None): r2 = r3 / self.a # r2 = b * c # r2 = c * ratio_bc * c = ratio_bc * c^2 # c = sqrt(r2 / ratio_bc) and b = ratio_bc * c self.c = np.sqrt(r2 / ratio_bc) self.b = ratio_bc * self.c elif (self.b is not None) and (ratio_ac is not None): r2 = r3 / self.b self.c = np.sqrt(r2 / ratio_ac) self.a = ratio_ac * self.c elif (self.c is not None) and (ratio_ab is not None): r2 = r3 / self.c self.b = np.sqrt(r2 / ratio_ab) self.a = ratio_ab * self.b else: # r3 = a * b * c # r3 = a * (a / ratio_ab) * (a / ratio_ac) # r3 * ratio_ab * ratio_ac = a^3 # a = r_eff * cbrt(ratio_ab * ratio_ac) self.a = r_eff * np.cbrt(ratio_ab * ratio_ac) self.b = self.a / ratio_ab self.c = self.a / ratio_ac if self.a is None: self.a = 1 if self.b is None: self.b = 1 if self.c is None: self.c = 1 # Orientation if 'rot_seq' in kwargs: self.rot_seq = kwargs['rot_seq'] elif 'rot_seq_deg' in kwargs: self.rot_seq = kwargs['rot_seq_deg'] elif 'rot_seq_rad' in kwargs: rs_rad = kwargs['rot_seq_rad'] self.rot_seq = [(ax, 180 * ang / np.pi) for ax, ang in rs_rad] elif ('matrix' in kwargs) or ('orientation' in kwargs): # adapted from: # if 'matrix' in kwargs: R = kwargs['matrix'] else: R = kwargs['orientation'] sy = np.sqrt(R[0][0] * R[0][0] + R[1][0] * R[1][0]) if sy > 1e-6: x = np.arctan2(R[2][1], R[2][2]) y = np.arctan2(-R[2][0], sy) z = np.arctan2(R[1][0], R[0][0]) else: x = np.arctan2(-R[1][2], R[1][1]) y = np.arctan2(-R[2][0], sy) z = 0 axes = ('z', 'y', 'x') angs = [180 * ang / np.pi for ang in (z, y, x)] self.rot_seq = list(zip(axes, angs)) else: self.rot_seq = [] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Ellipsoid of Best Fit # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def best_fit(self, points): """Find ellipsoid of best fit. This function takes a list of 3D points and computes the ellipsoid of best fit for the points. It uses a published algorithm to fit the ellipsoid, then attempts to define the axes in such a way that they most align with this ellipsoid's axes. [#turner]_ Args: points (list): Points to fit ellipsoid Returns: Ellipsoid: The ellipsoid that best fits the points. .. [#turner] Turner, D. A., Anderson, I. J., Mason, J. C., and Cox, M. G., "An Algorithm for Fitting an Ellipsoid to Data," *National Physical Laboratory*, 1999, The United Kingdom. ( """ # NOQA: E501 pts = np.array(points) pts_mean = pts.mean(axis=0) trans_pts = pts - pts_mean x, y, z = trans_pts.T L = np.zeros((len(x), 9), dtype='float') L[:, 0] = x * x + y * y - 2 * z * z L[:, 1] = x * x - 2 * y * y + z * z L[:, 2] = 4 * x * y L[:, 3] = 2 * x * z L[:, 4] = 2 * y * z L[:, 5] = x L[:, 6] = y L[:, 7] = z L[:, 8] = 1 e = x * x + y * y + z * z u, v, m, n, p, q, r, s, t = np.linalg.lstsq(L, e, rcond=None)[0] axx = 1 - u - v ayy = 1 - u + 2 * v azz = 1 + 2 * u - v axy = -4 * m axz = -2 * n ayz = -2 * p ax = - q ay = - r az = - s ac = - t hom_mat = np.array([[axx, 0.5 * axy, 0.5 * axz, 0.5 * ax], [0.5 * axy, ayy, 0.5 * ayz, 0.5 * ay], [0.5 * axz, 0.5 * ayz, azz, 0.5 * az], [0.5 * ax, 0.5 * ay, 0.5 * az, ac]]) cen = np.linalg.lstsq(-hom_mat[:3, :3], hom_mat[-1, :3], rcond=None)[0] glbl_cen = cen + pts_mean T = np.eye(4) T[-1, :3] = cen R = evals, evecs = np.linalg.eigh(- R[:3, :3] / R[-1, -1]) if np.any(evals <= 0): w_str = 'Some of the eigenvalues of the quadratic form for' w_str += 'the ellipsoid are non-positive. Using absolute value, ' w_str += 'but fit may be poor.' warnings.warn(w_str, RuntimeWarning) # extract ellipsoid parameters try: # reorganize the axes opt_axes = 1 / np.sqrt(np.abs(evals)) axes = np.zeros(3) avail_axes = np.copy(opt_axes) rearr = np.zeros((3, 3)) for ax_i, ax in enumerate(self.axes): opt_i = np.argmin(np.abs(avail_axes - ax)) rearr[ax_i, opt_i] = 1 avail_axes[opt_i] = np.inf axes[ax_i] = opt_axes[opt_i] new_evecs = # settle the orientation ambiguity ori_dot = vec_flip = np.sign(np.diagonal(ori_dot)) ori_matrix = except AttributeError: axes = 1 / np.sqrt(np.abs(evals)) ori_matrix = evecs return type(self)(center=glbl_cen, axes=axes, matrix=ori_matrix)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # String and Representation Functions # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __str__(self): str_str = 'center: ' + str(tuple( + '\n' str_str += 'a: ' + str(self.a) + '\n' str_str += 'b: ' + str(self.b) + '\n' str_str += 'c: ' + str(self.c) if len(self.rot_seq) > 0: str_str += '\nrot_seq: (' for i, (ax, ang) in enumerate(self.rot_seq): str_str += '(' + str(ax) + ', ' + str(ang) + ')' if i < len(self.rot_seq) - 1: str_str += ', ' else: str_str += ')' return str_str def __repr__(self): repr_str = 'Ellipsoid(' repr_str += 'center=' + repr(tuple( repr_str += ', axes=' + repr(tuple([self.a, self.b, self.c])) rot_str = repr(tuple([tuple(r) for r in self.rot_seq])) repr_str += ', rot_seq=' + rot_str repr_str += ')' return repr_str # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Size and Orientation Getters # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # @property def size(self): """float: diameter of equivalent volume sphere""" return 2 * np.cbrt(self.a * self.b * self.c) @property def axes(self): """tuple: the 3 semi-axes of the ellipsoid""" return self.a, self.b, self.c @property def ratio_ab(self): """float: ratio of x-axis length to y-axis length""" return self.a / self.b @property def ratio_ba(self): """float: ratio of y-axis length to x-axis length""" return self.b / self.a @property def ratio_ac(self): """float: ratio of x-axis length to z-axis length""" return self.a / self.c @property def ratio_ca(self): """float: ratio of z-axis length to x-axis length""" return self.c / self.a @property def ratio_bc(self): """float: ratio of y-axis length to z-axis length""" return self.b / self.c @property def ratio_cb(self): """float: ratio of z-axis length to y-axis length""" return self.c / self.b @property def rot_seq_deg(self): """list: rotation sequence, with angles in degrees""" return self.rot_seq @property def rot_seq_rad(self): """list: rotation sequence, with angles in radiands""" return [(ax, np.pi * ang / 180) for ax, ang in self.rot_seq] @property def matrix(self): """numpy.ndarray: A 3x3 rotation matrix""" ax_dict = {1: 0, 2: 1, 3: 2, 'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 2} q = Quaternion() for ax, ang in self.rot_seq_deg: vec = np.eye(3)[ax_dict[ax]] q *= Quaternion(axis=vec, degrees=ang) return q.rotation_matrix @property def orientation(self): """numpy.ndarray: A 3x3 rotation matrix""" return self.matrix # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Quadratic Form Matrix # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # @property def matrix_quadform(self): """numpy.ndarray: Matrix of the quadratic form""" R = np.array(self.orientation) scl_mat = np.diag(1 / (np.array(self.axes) * np.array(self.axes))) return @property def matrix_quadeq(self): """numpy.ndarray: Matrix of the quadratic equation""" A33 = self.matrix_quadform grad_vec = - cen_vec = np.array(, 1) const =[0, 0] - 1 quad_mat = np.zeros((4, 4)) quad_mat[:3, :3] = A33 quad_mat[-1, :3] = grad_vec.T quad_mat[:3, -1] = grad_vec quad_mat[-1, -1] = const return quad_mat @property def coefficients(self): """tuple: coeffificients of equation, :math:`(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, L)` in :math:`Ax^2 + Bxy + Cxz + Dy^2 + Eyz + Fz^2 + Gx + Hy + Kz + L = 0` """ quad_eq = self.matrix_quadeq A = quad_eq[0, 0] B = 2 * quad_eq[0, 1] C = 2 * quad_eq[0, 2] D = quad_eq[1, 1] E = 2 * quad_eq[1, 2] F = quad_eq[2, 2] G = 2 * quad_eq[3, 0] H = 2 * quad_eq[3, 1] K = 2 * quad_eq[3, 2] L = quad_eq[3, 3] return A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, L # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Number of Dimensions # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # @property def n_dim(self): """int: number of dimensions, 3""" return 3 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Volume Property # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # @property def volume(self): """ float: volume of ellipsoid, :math:`V = \\frac{4}{3}\\pi a b c`""" return 4 * np.pi * self.a * self.b * self.c / 3
[docs] @classmethod def volume_expectation(cls, **kwargs): r"""Expected value of volume. This function computes the expected value for the volume of an ellipsoid. The keyword arguments are the same as the input parameters for the class, :class:`microstructpy.geometry.Ellipsoid`. The values for these keywords can be either constants or distributions from the SciPy :mod:`scipy.stats` module. The expected value is computed by the following formula: .. math:: \mathbb{E}[V] &= \mathbb{E}[\frac{4}{3}\pi A B C] \\ &= \frac{4}{3}\pi \mathbb{E}[A] \mathbb{E}[B] \mathbb{E}[C] \\ &= \frac{4}{3}\pi \mu_A \mu_B \mu_C If the ellisoid is specified by size and aspect ratios, then the expected volume is computed by: .. math:: \mathbb{E}[V] &= \mathbb{E}[\frac{\pi}{6} S^3] \\ &= \frac{\pi}{6} (\mu_S^3 + 3 \mu_S \sigma_S^2 + \gamma_{1, S} \sigma_S^3) If the ellipsoid is specified using a combination of semi-axes and aspect ratios, then the expected volume is the mean of 1000 random samples: .. math:: \mathbb{E}[V] \approx \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n V_i where :math:`n=1000`. Args: **kwargs: Keyword arguments, see :class:`microstructpy.geometry.Ellipsoid`. Returns: float: Expected value of the volume of the sphere. """ # NOQA: E501 # Check for size distribution if 'size' in kwargs: s_dist = kwargs['size'] if type(s_dist) in (float, int): return 0.5 * np.pi * s_dist * s_dist * s_dist / 3 else: return 0.5 * np.pi * s_dist.moment(3) / 3 # check for a, b, and c distribution try: exp_vol = 4 * np.pi / 3 for kw in ('a', 'b', 'c'): dist = kwargs[kw] try: mu = dist.moment(1) except AttributeError: mu = dist exp_vol *= mu return exp_vol except KeyError: pass # Use Monte Carlo to determine expected volume n_trials = 1000 kws = set(kwargs.keys()) - set(_misc.ori_kws) total_vol = 0 for i in range(n_trials): params = {} for kw in kws: try: params[kw] = kwargs[kw].rvs() except AttributeError: params[kw] = kwargs[kw] total_vol += Ellipsoid(**params).volume avg_vol = total_vol / n_trials return avg_vol
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Bounding Circles # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # @property def bound_max(self): """tuple: maximum bounding sphere, (x, y, z, r)""" r = max(self.a, self.b, self.c) return tuple(list( + [r]) @property def bound_min(self): """tuple: minimum interior sphere, (x, y, z, r)""" r = min(self.a, self.b, self.c) return tuple(list( + [r]) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Sphere Approximation of Ellipsoid # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def approximate(self, x1=None): """Approximate Ellipsoid with Spheres This function approximates the ellipsoid by a set of spheres. It does so by approximating the x-z and y-z elliptical cross sections with circles, then scaling those circles and promoting them to spheres. See the documentation for :meth:`microstructpy.geometry.Ellipse.approximate` for more details. Args: x1 (float): *(optional)* Center position of the first sphere. Default is 0.75x the minimum semi-axis. Returns: numpy.ndarray: An Nx4 list of the (x, y, z, r) data of the spheres that approximate the ellipsoid. """ if (self.a == self.b) and (self.a == self.c): return np.array([self.bound_max]) if x1 is None: x1 = 0.25 * min(self.axes) # Perform approximation such that a > b > c if (self.a >= self.b) and (self.b >= self.c): a = self.a b = self.b c = self.c inds = [0, 1, 2] elif (self.a >= self.c) and (self.c >= self.b): a = self.a b = self.c c = self.b inds = [0, 2, 1] elif (self.b >= self.a) and (self.a >= self.c): a = self.b b = self.a c = self.c inds = [1, 0, 2] elif (self.c >= self.a) and (self.a >= self.b): a = self.c b = self.a c = self.b inds = [0, 2, 1] else: a = self.c b = self.b c = self.a inds = [2, 1, 0] # Prolate Ellipsoid if np.isclose(b, c): circs_xz = Ellipse(a=a, b=c).approximate() spheres = np.insert(circs_xz, 1, 0, axis=1)[:, np.append(inds, 3)] cens = np.array( + spheres[:, :-1].dot(self.matrix.T) spheres[:, :-1] = cens return spheres # Points in First Octant surface_pts = _ellipse_pts(a, b, c) plane_mask = np.isclose(surface_pts[:, -1], 0) # Circle centers circs_xz = Ellipse(a=a, b=c).approximate(x1) x_grid = np.append(circs_xz[circs_xz[:, 0] >= 0, 0][:-1], a) circs_yz = Ellipse(a=b, b=c).approximate(x1) y_grid = np.append(circs_yz[circs_yz[:, 0] >= 0, 0][:-1], b) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x_grid / a, y_grid / b) # Conformal mapping xx_mesh = a * xx * np.sqrt(1 - 0.5 * yy * yy) yy_mesh = b * yy * np.sqrt(1 - 0.5 * xx * xx) xx_inner = xx_mesh[:-1, :-1].flatten() yy_inner = yy_mesh[:-1, :-1].flatten() pts_inner = np.array([xx_inner, yy_inner, 0 * xx_inner]).T # Interior spheres inner_dists = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(pts_inner, surface_pts) nearest_ind = np.argmin(inner_dists, axis=1) nearest_dist = inner_dists[np.arange(len(nearest_ind)), nearest_ind] in_plane = plane_mask[nearest_ind] cens_inner = pts_inner[~in_plane] rads_inner = nearest_dist[~in_plane] # Exterior spheres xx_outer = np.concatenate((xx_mesh[:, -1], xx_mesh[-1, :-1])) yy_outer = np.concatenate((yy_mesh[:, -1], yy_mesh[-1, :-1])) u_outer = np.arctan2(yy_outer / b, xx_outer / a) n_x = b * np.cos(u_outer) n_y = a * np.sin(u_outer) norm_vec = np.array([n_x, n_y]).T norm_vec /= np.linalg.norm(norm_vec, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1) rads_outer = c * c * np.sqrt(n_x * n_x + n_y * n_y) / (a * b) rel_pos_outer = rads_outer.reshape(-1, 1) * norm_vec cens_outer = np.array([xx_outer, yy_outer]).T - rel_pos_outer cens_outer = np.hstack((cens_outer, 0 * xx_outer.reshape(-1, 1))) # First octant spheres cens = np.vstack((cens_inner, cens_outer)) rads = np.concatenate((rads_inner, rads_outer)) spheres = np.hstack((cens, rads.reshape(-1, 1))) # All octants for dim in range(3): refl_spheres = np.copy(spheres) mask = spheres[:, dim] > 0 refl_spheres[mask, dim] *= -1 spheres = np.vstack((spheres, refl_spheres[mask])) spheres = spheres[:, np.append(inds, 3)] cens = np.array( + spheres[:, :-1].dot(self.matrix.T) spheres[:, :-1] = cens return spheres
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Plot Function # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): """Plot the ellipsoid. This function uses the :meth:`mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.Axes3D.plot_surface` method to add an ellipsoid to the current axes. The keyword arguments are passes through to the plot_surface function. Args: **kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments for matplotlib. """ # NOQA: E501 if len(plt.gcf().axes) == 0: ax = plt.axes( else: ax = plt.gca() u = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 11) cv = np.linspace(-1, 1, 12) uu, cvv = np.meshgrid(u, cv) svv = np.sin(np.arccos(cvv)) grid_shape = uu.shape a = self.a b = self.b c = self.c xp = a * np.cos(uu) * svv yp = b * np.sin(uu) * svv zp = c * cvv pts = np.array([xp.reshape(1, -1).flatten(), yp.reshape(1, -1).flatten(), zp.reshape(1, -1).flatten()]) rot_pts = xr = rot_pts[0].reshape(grid_shape) yr = rot_pts[1].reshape(grid_shape) zr = rot_pts[2].reshape(grid_shape) xc, yc, zc = xx = xc + xr yy = yc + yr zz = zc + zr mod_kwargs = {} for key, val in kwargs.items(): if key == 'facecolors' and type(val) != list: mod_kwargs['color'] = val else: mod_kwargs[key] = val ax.plot_surface(xx, yy, zz, **mod_kwargs)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Limits # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # @property def limits(self): """list: List of (lower, upper) bounds for the bounding box""" if np.all(np.isclose(self.matrix, np.eye(3))): ax = np.array(self.axes) cen = np.array( return [(x - r, x + r) for x, r in zip(cen, ax)] n = 4 u = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 1 + 4 * n) cv = np.linspace(-1, 1, 1 + 2 * n) uu, cvv = np.meshgrid(u, cv) svv = np.sin(np.arccos(cvv)) xp = self.a * np.cos(uu) * svv yp = self.b * np.sin(uu) * svv zp = self.c * cvv pts = np.array([xp.flatten(), yp.flatten(), zp.flatten()]) r_pts = lbs = r_pts.min(axis=-1) + np.array( ubs = r_pts.max(axis=-1) + np.array( return list(zip(lbs, ubs)) @property def sample_limits(self): """list: List of (lower, upper) bounds for the sampling region""" return self.limits # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Within Test # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def within(self, points): """Test if points are within ellipsoid. This function tests whether a point or set of points are within the ellipsoid. For the set of points, a list of booleans is returned to indicate which points are within the ellipsoid. Args: points (list or numpy.ndarray): Point or list of points. Returns: bool or numpy.ndarray: Set to True for points in geometry. """ pts = np.array(points) single_pt = pts.ndim == 1 if single_pt: pts = pts.reshape(1, -1) rel_pos = pts - np.array( rot_pos = scl_pos = rot_pos / np.array(self.axes).reshape(1, -1) sq_dist = np.sum(scl_pos * scl_pos, axis=-1) mask = sq_dist <= 1 if single_pt: return mask[0] else: return mask
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Reflect # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def reflect(self, points): """Reflect points across surface. This function reflects a point or set of points across the surface of the ellipsoid. Points at the center of the ellipsoid are not reflected. Args: points (list or numpy.ndarray): Points to reflect. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Reflected points. """ pts = np.array(points) single_pt = pts.ndim == 1 if single_pt: pts = pts.reshape(1, -1) rel_pos = pts - np.array( rot_pos = scl_pos = rot_pos / np.array(self.axes).reshape(1, -1) dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(scl_pos * scl_pos, axis=-1)) mask = dist > 0 if not np.any(mask): return np.array([]) new_dist = 2 - dist[mask] scl = new_dist / dist[mask] new_scl_pos = scl_pos[mask] * scl new_rel_pos = new_pos = new_rel_pos + np.array( if single_pt: return new_pos[0] else: return new_pos
def _ellipse_arc(a, b, n): horiz_x = a * np.linspace(1, -1, n) verti_y = np.linspace(0, 2 * b, n) t_denom = (a - horiz_x) * verti_y + 4 * a * b t_numer = 4 * a * b t = t_numer / t_denom x_arc = (2 * t - 1) * a y_arc = t * verti_y return np.array([x_arc, y_arc]).T def _ellipse_pts(a, b, c, n=81): arc_xy = _ellipse_arc(a, b, n) arc_xz = _ellipse_arc(a, c, n) arc_yz = _ellipse_arc(b, c, n) ii_xy, ii_z = np.meshgrid(np.arange(n - 1), np.arange(n - 1)) theta_xy = np.arctan2(arc_xy[:, 1] / b, arc_xy[:, 0] / a) tt_xy = theta_xy[ii_xy] lat_xz = np.arctan2(arc_xz[:, 1] / c, arc_xz[:, 0] / a) lat_yz = np.arctan2(arc_yz[:, 1] / c, arc_yz[:, 0] / b) ll_f_xz = lat_xz[ii_z] * np.cos(tt_xy) ll_f_yz = lat_yz[ii_z] * np.sin(tt_xy) latlat = np.sqrt(ll_f_xz * ll_f_xz + ll_f_yz * ll_f_yz) xx = arc_xy[:, 0][ii_xy] * np.cos(latlat) yy = arc_xy[:, 1][ii_xy] * np.cos(latlat) zz = c * np.sin(latlat) pts = np.array([xx.flatten(), yy.flatten(), zz.flatten()]).T pts = np.append(pts, [[0, 0, c]], axis=0) return pts