Source code for microstructpy.meshing.polymesh

"""Polygon Meshing

This module contains the class definition for the PolyMesh class.

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#                                                                             #
# Import Modules                                                              #
#                                                                             #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import os
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import warnings

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pyvoro
from matplotlib import collections
from matplotlib import patches
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection
from scipy.spatial import distance

from microstructpy import _misc
from microstructpy import geometry

__all__ = ['PolyMesh']
__author__ = 'Kenneth (Kip) Hart'

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#                                                                             #
# PolyMesh Class                                                              #
#                                                                             #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class PolyMesh(object): """Polygonal/Polyhedral mesh. The PolyMesh class contains the points, edges, regions, etc. in a polygon (2D) or polyhedron (3D) mesh. The points attribute is a numpy array containing the (x, y) or (x, y, z) coordinates of each point in the mesh. This is the only attribute that contains floating point numbers. The rest contain indices/integers. The facets attribute describes the interfaces between the polygons/ polyhedra. In 2D, these interfaces are line segments and each facet contains the indices of the points at each end of the line segment. These indices are unorderd. In 3D, the interfaces are polygons so each facet contains the indices of the points on that polygon. These indices are ordered such that neighboring keypoints are connected by line segments that form the polygon. The regions attribute contains the area (2D) or volume (3D). In 2D, a region is given by an ordered list of facets, or edges, that enclose the polygon. In 3D, the region is given by an un-ordered list of facets, or polygons, that enclose the polyhedron. For each region, there is also an associated seed number and material phase. These data are stored in the seed_number and phase_number attributes, which have the same length as the regions list. Args: points (list or numpy.ndarray): An Nx2 or Nx3 array of coordinates in the mesh. facets (list): List of facets between regions. In 2D, this is a list of edges (Nx2). In 3D, this is a list of 3D polygons. regions (list): A list of polygons (2D) or polyhedra (3D), with each element of the list being a list of facet indices. seed_numbers (list or numpy.ndarray): *(optional)* The seed number associated with each region. Defaults to 0 for all regions. phase_numbers (list or numpy.ndarray): *(optional)* The phase number associated with each region. Defaults to 0 for all regions. facet_neighbors (list or numpy.ndarray): *(optional)* The region numbers on either side of each facet. If not givien, a neighbor list is computed from ``regions``. volumes (list or numpy.ndarray): *(optional)* The area/volume of each region. If not given, region volumes are calculated based on ``points``, ``facets``, and ``regions``. """ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Constructors # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __init__(self, points, facets, regions, seed_numbers=None, phase_numbers=None, facet_neighbors=None, volumes=None): self.points = points self.facets = facets self.regions = regions if facet_neighbors is None: # Find facet neighbors facet_neighs = [[-1, -1] for _ in facets] n_neighs = [0 for _ in facets] for r_num, region in enumerate(regions): for f_num in region: ind = n_neighs[f_num] facet_neighs[f_num][ind] = r_num n_neighs[f_num] += 1 # update negative neighbor numbers to follow the voro++ # convention, described in the %n section of this website: # pt_arr = np.array(points) pt_mins = pt_arr.min(axis=0) pt_maxs = pt_arr.max(axis=0) for fnum, facet in enumerate(facets): if facet_neighs[fnum][-1] != -1: continue f_pts = pt_arr[facet, :] min_match = np.all(np.isclose(f_pts, pt_mins), axis=0) if np.any(min_match): ld = 3 - len(min_match) mask = np.pad(min_match, (0, ld), 'constant', constant_values=(False, False)) id = np.array([-1, -3, -5])[mask][0] facet_neighs[fnum][-1] = id max_match = np.all(np.isclose(f_pts, pt_maxs), axis=0) if np.any(max_match): ld = 3 - len(max_match) mask = np.pad(max_match, (0, ld), 'constant', constant_values=(False, False)) id = np.array([-2, -4, -6])[mask][0] facet_neighs[fnum][-1] = id self.facet_neighbors = facet_neighs else: self.facet_neighbors = facet_neighbors if seed_numbers is None: self.seed_numbers = [0 for _ in regions] else: self.seed_numbers = seed_numbers if phase_numbers is None: self.phase_numbers = [0 for _ in regions] else: self.phase_numbers = phase_numbers if volumes is None: vols = np.zeros(len(self.regions)) n = len(self.points[0]) for i, region in enumerate(self.regions): # 'center' of region is arbitrary, since region is convex cen = np.array(self.points)[self.facets[region[0]][0]] for f_num in region: facet = np.array(self.facets[f_num]) j_max = len(facet) - n + 2 # convert facet into (n-1)D simplices for j in range(1, j_max): inds = np.append(np.arange(j, j + n - 1), 0) simplex = facet[inds] facet_pts = np.array(self.points)[simplex] rel_pos = facet_pts - cen # simplex volume is |det([Dx1, Dy1; Dx2, Dy2])| in 2D vols[i] += np.abs(np.linalg.det(rel_pos)) # the 1/2 out front in 2D and 1/6 in 3D while n > 1: vols /= n n -= 1 self.volumes = vols else: self.volumes = volumes # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Representation and String Functions # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __repr__(self): repr_str = 'PolyMesh(' repr_str += repr(self.points) repr_str += ', ' repr_str += repr(self.facets) repr_str += ', ' repr_str += repr(self.regions) for att in ('seed_numbers', 'phase_numbers'): repr_str += ', ' vals = self.__dict__[att] if all([n == 0 for n in vals]): repr_str += repr(None) else: repr_str += repr(vals) repr_str += ')' return repr_str def __str__(self): nv = len(self.points) nd = len(self.points[0]) pt_fmt = '\t' pt_fmt += ', '.join(['{pt[' + str(i) + ']: e}' for i in range(nd)]) str_str = 'Mesh Points: ' + str(nv) + '\n' str_str += ''.join([pt_fmt.format(pt=p) + '\n' for p in self.points]) str_str += 'Mesh Facets: ' + str(len(self.facets)) + '\n' str_str += ''.join(['\t' + str(tuple(f))[1:-1] + '\n' for f in self.facets]) str_str += 'Facet Neighbors: ' + str(len(self.facet_neighbors)) + '\n' str_str += ''.join(['\t' + str(tuple(n))[1:-1] + '\n' for n in self.facet_neighbors]) str_str += 'Mesh Regions: ' + str(len(self.regions)) + '\n' str_str += ''.join(['\t' + str(tuple(r))[1:-1] + '\n' for r in self.regions]) str_str += 'Seed Numbers: ' + str(len(self.seed_numbers)) + '\n' str_str += ''.join(['\t' + str(n) + '\n' for n in self.seed_numbers]) str_str += 'Phase Numbers: ' + str(len(self.phase_numbers)) + '\n' str_str += ''.join(['\t' + str(n) + '\n' for n in self.phase_numbers]) str_str += 'Volumes: ' + str(len(self.volumes)) + '\n' str_str += '\n'.join(['\t' + str(v) for v in self.volumes]) return str_str # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Read and Write Functions # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def write(self, filename, format='txt'): """Write the mesh to a file. This function writes the polygon/polyhedron mesh to a file. See the :ref:`s_poly_file_io` section of the :ref:`c_file_formats` guide for more information about the available output file formats. Args: filename (str): Name of the file to be written. format (str): *(optional)* {'txt' | 'poly' | 'ply' | 'vtk' } Format of the data in the file. Defaults to ``'txt'``. """ if format in ('str', 'txt'): with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(str(self) + '\n') elif format == 'poly': nv = len(self.points) nd = len(self.points[0]) nf = len(self.facets) assert nd == 2 poly = '# Polygon Mesh\n' poly += ' '.join([str(n) for n in (nv, 2, 0, 0)]) + '\n' # vertices poly += '# Vertices\n' poly += ''.join([str(i) + ''.join([' {: e}'.format(x) for x in pt]) + '\n' for i, pt in enumerate(self.points)]) # facets poly += '# Segments\n' poly += ' '.join([str(n) for n in (nf, 0)]) + '\n' poly += ''.join([' '.join([str(n) for n in (nv + i, k1, k2)]) + '\n' for i, (k1, k2) in enumerate(self.facets)]) elif format == 'ply': nv = len(self.points) nd = len(self.points[0]) nf = len(self.facets) assert nd <= 3 axes = ['x', 'y', 'z'][:nd] # header ply = 'ply\n' ply += 'format ascii 1.0\n' ply += 'element vertex ' + str(nv) + '\n' ply += ''.join(['property float32 ' + a + '\n' for a in axes]) ply += 'element face ' + str(nf) + '\n' ply += 'property list uint8 int32 vertex_indices\n' ply += 'end_header\n' # vertices ply += ''.join([' '.join(['{: e}'.format(x) for x in pt]) + '\n' for pt in self.points]) # faces ply += ''.join([str(len(f)) + ''.join([' ' + str(kp) for kp in f]) + '\n' for f in self.facets]) with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(ply) elif format == 'vtk': nv = len(self.points) nd = len(self.points[0]) nf = len(self.facets) assert nd == 3 p_size = nf + sum([len(f) for f in self.facets]) vtk = '# vtk DataFile Version 2.0\n' vtk += 'Polyhedron Mesh\n' vtk += 'ASCII\n' vtk += 'DATASET POLYDATA\n' # vertices vtk += 'POINTS ' + str(nv) + ' float\n' vtk += ''.join([' '.join(['{: e}'.format(x) for x in pt]) + '\n' for pt in self.points]) vtk += '\n' # faces vtk += 'POLYGONS ' + str(nf) + ' ' + str(p_size) + '\n' vtk += ''.join([str(len(f)) + ''.join([' ' + str(kp) for kp in f]) + '\n' for f in self.facets]) with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(vtk) else: e_str = 'Cannot understand format string ' + str(format) + '.' raise ValueError(e_str)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename): """Read PolyMesh from file. This function reads in a polygon mesh from a file and creates an instance from that file. Currently the only supported file type is the output from :meth:`.write` with the ``format='txt'`` option. Args: filename (str): Name of file to read from. Returns: PolyMesh: The instance of the class written to the file. """ with open(filename, 'r') as file: stage = 0 pts = [] facets = [] f_neighbors = [] regions = [] seed_numbers = [] phase_numbers = [] volumes = [] for line in file.readlines(): if 'Mesh Points'.lower() in line.lower(): n_pts = int(line.split(':')[1]) stage = 'points' elif 'Mesh Facets'.lower() in line.lower(): n_fts = int(line.split(':')[1]) stage = 'facets' elif 'Facet Neighbors'.lower() in line.lower(): n_nns = int(line.split(':')[1]) stage = 'facet neighbors' elif 'Mesh Regions'.lower() in line.lower(): n_rns = int(line.split(':')[1]) stage = 'regions' elif 'Seed Numbers'.lower() in line.lower(): n_sns = int(line.split(':')[1]) stage = 'seed numbers' elif 'Phase Numbers'.lower() in line.lower(): n_pns = int(line.split(':')[1]) stage = 'phase numbers' elif 'Volumes'.lower() in line.lower(): n_vols = int(line.split(':')[1]) stage = 'volumes' else: if stage == 'points': pts.append([float(x) for x in line.split(',')]) elif stage == 'facets': facets.append([int(kp) for kp in line.split(',')]) elif stage == 'facet neighbors': f_neighbors.append([int(n) for n in line.split(',')]) elif stage == 'regions': regions.append([int(f) for f in line.split(',')]) elif stage == 'seed numbers': seed_numbers.append(_misc.from_str(line)) elif stage == 'phase numbers': phase_numbers.append(_misc.from_str(line)) elif stage == 'volumes': volumes.append(_misc.from_str(line)) else: pass # check the inputs assert len(pts) == n_pts assert len(facets) == n_fts assert len(regions) == n_rns assert len(seed_numbers) == n_sns assert len(phase_numbers) == n_pns assert len(volumes) == n_vols if len(f_neighbors) == 0: f_neighbors = None else: assert len(f_neighbors) == n_nns return cls(pts, facets, regions, seed_numbers, phase_numbers, volumes=volumes, facet_neighbors=f_neighbors)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Construct from Seed List # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @classmethod def from_seeds(cls, seedlist, domain, edge_opt=False, n_iter=100, verbose=False): """Create from :class:`.SeedList` and a domain. This function creates a polygon/polyhedron mesh from a seed list and a domain. It relies on the pyvoro package, which wraps `Voro++`_. The mesh is a Voronoi power diagram / Laguerre tessellationself. The pyvoro package operates on rectangular domains, so other domains are meshed in 2D by meshing in a bounding box then the boundary cells are clipped to the domain boundary. Currently non-rectangular domains in 3D are not supported. This function also includes the option to maximize the shortest edges in the polygonal/polyhedral mesh. Short edges cause numerical issues in finite element analysis - setting `edge_opt` to True can improve mesh quality with minimal changes to the microstructure. Args: seedlist (SeedList): A list of seeds in the microstructure. domain (from :mod:`microstructpy.geometry`): The domain to be filled by the seed. edge_opt (bool): *(optional)* This option will maximize the minimum edge length in the PolyMesh. The seeds associated with the shortest edge are displaced randomly to find improvement and this process iterates until `n_iter` attempts have been made for a given edge. Defaults to False. n_iter (int): *(optional)* Maximum number of iterations per edge during optimization. Ignored if `edge_opt` set to False. Defaults to 100. verbose (bool): *(optional)* Print status of edge optimization to screen. Defaults to False. Returns: PolyMesh: A polygon/polyhedron mesh. .. _`Voro++`: """ # Collect all breakdowns bkdwn2seed = np.array([], dtype='int') bkdwns = np.array([]) for seed_num, seed in enumerate(seedlist): if len(seed.breakdown) == 0: seed.update_breakdown() bkdwn = np.array(seed.breakdown).reshape(-1, domain.n_dim + 1) in_mask = domain.within(bkdwn[:, :-1]) breakdown = bkdwn[in_mask] m, n = breakdown.shape bkdwns = np.concatenate((bkdwns.reshape(-1, n), breakdown)) bkdwn2seed = np.append(bkdwn2seed, np.full(m, seed_num)) n_pts = bkdwns.shape[0] n_dim = bkdwns.shape[1] - 1 # modify point list and boundaries if necessary geom = {2: geometry.Rectangle, 3: geometry.Box} voro_dom = geom[n_dim](limits=domain.limits) # get domain limits lims = voro_dom.limits # clip points from voro domain flag_val = min(bkdwn2seed) - 1 n_pad = bkdwns.shape[0] - n_pts bkdwn2seed = np.pad(bkdwn2seed, (0, n_pad), 'constant', constant_values=(0, flag_val)) cens = bkdwns[:, :-1] rads = bkdwns[:, -1] # get block size sz = 2 * max(rads) if np.isclose(sz, 0): sz = 0.1 * np.min([ub - lb for lb, ub in lims]) # remove extraneous breakdowns removing_pts = True while removing_pts: # Create a temporary file to run pyvoro call_str = 'import pyvoro\n\n' call_str += 'pts = [' beg_str = ',\n' + len('pts = [') * ' ' call_str += beg_str.join([str(np.array(p).tolist()) for p in cens]) call_str += ']\n\n' call_str += 'lims = ' + str(np.array(lims).tolist()) + '\n\n' call_str += 'sz = ' + str(sz) + '\n\n' call_str += 'rads = [' beg_str = ',\n' + len('rads = [') * ' ' call_str += beg_str.join([str(rad) for rad in rads]) call_str += ']\n\n' call_str += 'pyvoro.compute_' if n_dim == 2: call_str += '2d_' call_str += 'voronoi(pts, lims, sz, rads)\n' file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', suffix='.py', delete=False) file.write(call_str) call_filename = file.close() # Run pyvoro p = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, call_filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) p_out, _ = p.communicate() try: p.terminate() except OSError: pass os.remove(call_filename) # if there is output, remove those cells from the list out_str = p_out.decode('utf-8') if out_str: inds = [int(s) for s in out_str.split(':')[-1].split()] mask = np.full(len(rads), True) mask[inds] = False cens = cens[mask] rads = rads[mask] bkdwn2seed = bkdwn2seed[mask] else: removing_pts = False missing_seeds = set(range(len(seedlist))) - set(bkdwn2seed) assert not missing_seeds, str(missing_seeds) # compute voronoi diagram voro_fun = {2: pyvoro.compute_2d_voronoi, 3: pyvoro.compute_voronoi}[n_dim] voro = voro_fun(cens, lims, sz, rads) # Get only the cells within the domain cell_mask = np.full(len(bkdwn2seed), True, dtype='bool') rect_doms = ['square', 'cube', 'rectangle', 'box', 'nbox'] if type(domain).__name__.lower() not in rect_doms: for cell_num, cell in enumerate(voro): cell_pts = np.array(cell['vertices']) cell_mask[cell_num] = np.any(domain.within(cell_pts)) bkdwn2seed = bkdwn2seed[cell_mask] new_cell_nums = np.full(len(cell_mask), -1, dtype='int') new_cell_nums[cell_mask] = np.arange(np.sum(cell_mask)) reduced_voro = [] for old_cell_num, cell in enumerate(voro): # update the numbers of adjacent cells faces = cell['faces'] for face in faces: old_adj_cell_num = face['adjacent_cell'] if old_adj_cell_num >= 0: new_adj_cell_num = new_cell_nums[old_adj_cell_num] face['adjacent_cell'] = new_adj_cell_num cell['faces'] = faces # add cell to voro if cell_mask[old_cell_num]: reduced_voro.append(cell) # Clip cells to domain voro = [_clip_cell(c, domain) for c in reduced_voro] # create global key point and facet lists pts_global = [] pts_conn = [] local_kp_conn = {} for cell_num, cell_data in enumerate(voro): pts_local = cell_data['vertices'] for face_data in cell_data['faces']: adj_cell = face_data['adjacent_cell'] simplex_local = face_data['vertices'] for kp_local in simplex_local: key = (cell_num, kp_local) if key in local_kp_conn: kp_global = local_kp_conn[key] else: kp_global = len(pts_global) pt = pts_local[kp_local] pts_global.append(pt) pts_conn.append({cell_num: kp_local}) local_kp_conn[key] = kp_global if (adj_cell >= 0) and (adj_cell < len(voro)): conn_info = pts_conn[kp_global] if adj_cell not in conn_info: adj_cell_data = voro[adj_cell] adj_pts_local = np.array(adj_cell_data['vertices']) rel_pos = adj_pts_local - pts_global[kp_global] sq_dist = np.sum(rel_pos * rel_pos, axis=-1) adj_kp_local = np.argmin(sq_dist) adj_key = (adj_cell, adj_kp_local) local_kp_conn[adj_key] = kp_global pts_conn[kp_global][adj_cell] = adj_kp_local # create facet and region lists facet_list = [] facet_neighbor_list = [] region_list = [[] for cell in voro] for cell_num, cell_data in enumerate(voro): for face_data in cell_data['faces']: adj_cell_num = face_data['adjacent_cell'] if adj_cell_num >= len(voro): adj_cell_num = -1 if adj_cell_num < cell_num: neighbor_pair = (adj_cell_num, cell_num) s_lcl = face_data['vertices'] s_glbl = [local_kp_conn[(cell_num, kp)] for kp in s_lcl] if adj_cell_num < 0: pts_f = [pts_global[kp] for kp in s_glbl] if not _is_outward(pts_f, adj_cell_num): s_glbl.reverse() face_num = len(facet_list) facet_list.append(s_glbl) facet_neighbor_list.append(neighbor_pair) for f_cell_num in neighbor_pair: if (f_cell_num >= 0) and (f_cell_num < len(voro)): region_list[f_cell_num].append(face_num) # create phase number list phase_nums = [seedlist[i].phase for i in bkdwn2seed] # Create volume list vols = [cell['volume'] for cell in voro] # Create initial mesh pmesh = cls(pts_global, facet_list, region_list, bkdwn2seed, phase_nums, facet_neighbor_list, vols) # short edge optimization if edge_opt: seed2bkdwn = {i: [] for i in range(len(seedlist))} for i, n in enumerate(pmesh.seed_numbers): seed2bkdwn[n].append(i) # Find the shorted edge edge_lens = _edge_lengths(pmesh) min_edge = _shortest_edge(edge_lens) min_len = edge_lens[min_edge]['length'] # Format verbose print string n_kps = len(pmesh.points) n_kp_space = int(np.log10(n_kps)) + 1 n_iter_space = int(np.log10(n_iter)) v_fmt = 'min length: {0:.3e} | ' v_fmt += 'edge: {1[0]:' + str(n_kp_space) + 'd}, ' v_fmt += '{1[1]:' + str(n_kp_space) + 'd} | ' v_fmt += 'n iter: {2:' + str(n_iter_space) + 'd} / ' v_fmt += str(n_iter) i_n_attempts = 0 while i_n_attempts < n_iter: print(v_fmt.format(min_len, min_edge, i_n_attempts)) # Create Displacement max_step_size = float('inf') step_fracs = 2 * np.random.rand(3) - 1 # [-1, 1] new_cens = np.copy(cens) e_neighs = edge_lens[min_edge]['regions'] edge_pts = np.array(pmesh.points)[list(min_edge)] for region_num in e_neighs: if region_num >= 0: step_size = 0.1 * rads[region_num] max_step_size = min(max_step_size, step_size) for f, region_num in zip(step_fracs, e_neighs): if region_num >= 0: e_norm_vec = _point_line_vec(cens[region_num], edge_pts) step = f * max_step_size * e_norm_vec new_cens[region_num] += step # Update Seeds new_bkdwns = [list(c) + [r] for c, r in zip(new_cens, rads)] for i, seed in enumerate(seedlist): seed.breakdown = [new_bkdwns[j] for j in seed2bkdwn[i]] # Create New Polygonal Mesh try: new_pmesh = cls.from_seeds(seedlist, domain, edge_opt=False) except AssertionError: i_n_attempts += 1 continue new_edge_lens = _edge_lengths(new_pmesh) new_min_edge = _shortest_edge(new_edge_lens) new_min_len = new_edge_lens[new_min_edge]['length'] if new_min_len > min_len: if new_min_edge != min_edge: i_n_attempts = 0 else: i_n_attempts += 1 edge_lens = new_edge_lens pmesh = new_pmesh min_len = new_min_len min_edge = new_min_edge cens = new_cens else: i_n_attempts += 1 return pmesh
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Plot Mesh # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def plot(self, index_by='seed', material=[], loc=0, **kwargs): """Plot the mesh. This function plots the polygon mesh. In 2D, this creates a class:`matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection` and adds it to the current axes. In 3D, it creates a :class:`mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d.Poly3DCollection` and adds it to the current axes. The keyword arguments are passed though to matplotlib. Args: index_by (str): *(optional)* {'facet' | 'material' | 'seed'} Flag for indexing into the other arrays passed into the function. For example, ``plot(index_by='material', color=['blue', 'red'])`` will plot the regions with ``phase_number`` equal to 0 in blue, and regions with ``phase_number`` equal to 1 in red. The facet option is only available for 3D plots. Defaults to 'seed'. material (list): *(optional)* Names of material phases. One entry per material phase (the ``index_by`` argument is ignored). If this argument is set, a legend is added to the plot with one entry per material. loc (int or str): *(optional)* The location of the legend, if 'material' is specified. This argument is passed directly through to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.legend`. Defaults to 0, which is 'best' in matplotlib. **kwargs: Keyword arguments for matplotlib. """ n_dim = len(self.points[0]) if n_dim == 2: ax = plt.gca() else: ax = plt.gcf().gca( n_obj = _misc.ax_objects(ax) if n_obj > 0: xlim = ax.get_xlim() ylim = ax.get_ylim() else: xlim = [float('inf'), -float('inf')] ylim = [float('inf'), -float('inf')] if n_dim == 2: # create vertex loops for each poly vloops = [kp_loop([self.facets[f] for f in r]) for r in self.regions] # create poly input xy = [np.array([self.points[kp] for kp in lp]) for lp in vloops] plt_kwargs = {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): if type(value) in (list, np.array): plt_value = [] for s, p in zip(self.seed_numbers, self.phase_numbers): if index_by == 'material': region_value = value[p] elif index_by == 'seed': region_value = value[s] else: e_str = 'Cannot index by {}.'.format(index_by) raise ValueError(e_str) plt_value.append(region_value) else: plt_value = value plt_kwargs[key] = plt_value pc = collections.PolyCollection(xy, **plt_kwargs) ax.add_collection(pc) ax.autoscale_view() elif n_dim == 3: if n_obj > 0: zlim = ax.get_zlim() else: zlim = [float('inf'), -float('inf')] self.plot_facets(index_by=index_by, **kwargs) else: raise NotImplementedError('Cannot plot in ' + str(n_dim) + 'D.') # Add legend if material and index_by in ('seed', 'material'): p_kwargs = [{'label': m} for m in material] s2p = {s: p for s, p in zip(self.seed_numbers, self.phase_numbers)} for key, value in kwargs.items(): if type(value) in (list, np.array): if index_by == 'material': for p, v in enumerate(value): p_kwargs[p][key] = v else: for s, v in enumerate(value): p = s2p[s] p_kwargs[p][key] = v else: for i, m in enumerate(material): p_kwargs[i][key] = value # Replace plural keywords for p_kw in p_kwargs: for kw in _misc.mpl_plural_kwargs: if kw in p_kw: p_kw[kw[:-1]] = p_kw[kw] del p_kw[kw] handles = [patches.Patch(**p_kw) for p_kw in p_kwargs] ax.legend(handles=handles, loc=loc) # Adjust Axes mins = np.array(self.points).min(axis=0) maxs = np.array(self.points).max(axis=0) xlim = (min(xlim[0], mins[0]), max(xlim[1], maxs[0])) ylim = (min(ylim[0], mins[1]), max(ylim[1], maxs[1])) if n_dim == 2: plt.axis('square') plt.xlim(xlim) plt.ylim(ylim) elif n_dim == 3: zlim = (min(zlim[0], mins[2]), max(zlim[1], maxs[2])) ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) ax.set_zlim(zlim) _misc.axisEqual3D(ax)
[docs] def plot_facets(self, index_by='seed', hide_interior=True, **kwargs): """Plot PolyMesh facets. This function plots the facets of the polygon mesh, rather than the regions. In 2D, it adds a :class:`matplotlib.collections.LineCollection` to the current axes. In 3D, it adds a :class:`mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d.Poly3DCollection` with ``facecolors='none'``. The keyword arguments are passed though to matplotlib. Args: index_by (str): *(optional)* {'facet' | 'material' | 'seed'} Flag for indexing into the other arrays passed into the function. For example, ``plot(index_by='material', color=['blue', 'red'])`` will plot the regions with ``phase_number`` equal to 0 in blue, and regions with ``phase`` equal to 1 in red. The facet option is only available for 3D plots. Defaults to 'seed'. hide_interior (bool): If True, removes interior facets from the output plot. This avoids occasional matplotlib issue where interior facets are shown in output plots. **kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments for matplotlib. """ f_kwargs = {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): if type(value) in (list, np.array): f_values = [] for fn in range(len(self.facets)): neighs = self.facet_neighbors[fn] r = max(neighs) sn = self.seed_numbers[r] pn = self.phase_numbers[r] if index_by == 'facet': ind = fn elif index_by == 'material': ind = pn elif index_by == 'seed': ind = sn else: e_str = 'Cannot index by {}.'.format(index_by) raise ValueError(e_str) v = value[ind] f_values.append(v) f_kwargs[key] = f_values else: f_kwargs[key] = value n_dim = len(self.points[0]) if n_dim == 2: ax = plt.gca() else: ax = plt.gcf().gca( n_obj = _misc.ax_objects(ax) if n_obj > 0: xlim = ax.get_xlim() ylim = ax.get_ylim() else: xlim = [float('inf'), -float('inf')] ylim = [float('inf'), -float('inf')] if n_dim == 2: xy = [np.array([self.points[kp] for kp in f]) for f in self.facets] pc = collections.LineCollection(xy, **f_kwargs) ax.add_collection(pc) ax.autoscale_view() else: if ax.has_data: zlim = ax.get_zlim() else: zlim = [float('inf'), -float('inf')] if hide_interior: f_mask = [min(fn) < 0 for fn in self.facet_neighbors] xy = [np.array([self.points[kp] for kp in f]) for m, f in zip(f_mask, self.facets) if m] list_kws = [k for k, vl in f_kwargs.items() if isinstance(vl, list)] plt_kwargs = {k: vl for k, vl in f_kwargs.items() if k not in list_kws} for k in list_kws: v = [val for val, m in zip(f_kwargs[k], f_mask) if m] plt_kwargs[k] = v else: xy = [np.array([self.points[kp] for kp in f]) for f in self.facets] plt_kwargs = f_kwargs pc = Poly3DCollection(xy, **plt_kwargs) ax.add_collection(pc) # Adjust Axes mins = np.array(self.points).min(axis=0) maxs = np.array(self.points).max(axis=0) xlim = (min(xlim[0], mins[0]), max(xlim[1], maxs[0])) ylim = (min(ylim[0], mins[1]), max(ylim[1], maxs[1])) if n_dim == 2: plt.axis('square') plt.xlim(xlim) plt.ylim(ylim) if n_dim == 3: zlim = (min(zlim[0], mins[2]), max(zlim[1], maxs[2])) ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) ax.set_zlim(zlim) _misc.axisEqual3D(ax)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Mesh Equality # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __eq__(self, other_mesh): # check type if type(other_mesh) is not PolyMesh: print('not same type') return False # check that the lengths are all the same same = True same &= len(self.points) == len(other_mesh.points) same &= len(self.facets) == len(other_mesh.facets) same &= len(self.regions) == len(other_mesh.regions) same &= len(self.seed_numbers) == len(other_mesh.seed_numbers) same &= len(self.phase_numbers) == len(other_mesh.phase_numbers) if not same: print('not same length') return False # check that the vertices have the same coordinates pt_dists = distance.cdist(self.points, other_mesh.points) same_pt = np.isclose(pt_dists, 0) same_ints = same_pt.astype(int) same &= np.all(same_ints.sum(axis=0) == 1) same &= np.all(same_ints.sum(axis=1) == 1) if not same: print('not same verts') return False kp_conv = np.argwhere(same_pt) kp_other = kp_conv[:, 1] print('transform') print(np.array(kp_other)) # check that the facets are the same facets_in_other_kps = [[kp_other[kp] for kp in f] for f in self.facets] o_fnum = [] for i, s_facet in enumerate(facets_in_other_kps): for j, o_facet in enumerate(other_mesh.facets): if j in o_fnum: continue else: if set(s_facet) == set(o_facet): o_fnum.append(j) break if len(o_fnum) != i + 1: print('not same facets') return False # check that the regions are the same regions_in_other_fnums = [[o_fnum[f] for f in r] for r in self.regions] o_rnum = [] for i, s_region in enumerate(regions_in_other_fnums): for j, o_region in enumerate(other_mesh.regions): if j in o_rnum: continue else: if set(s_region) == set(o_region): o_rnum.append(j) break if len(o_rnum) != i + 1: print('not same regions') return False # check that the seed numbers are the same s_seed_nums = np.array(self.seed_numbers) o_seed_nums = np.array(other_mesh.seed_numbers) same &= np.all(s_seed_nums == o_seed_nums[o_rnum]) print('checking seed numbers', same) # check that the phase numbers are the same s_phase_nums = np.array(self.phase_numbers) o_phase_nums = np.array(other_mesh.phase_numbers) same &= np.all(s_phase_nums == o_phase_nums[o_rnum]) print('checking phase numbers', same) return same
def kp_loop(kp_pairs): loop = list(kp_pairs[0]) kp_arr = np.array(kp_pairs[1:]) while kp_arr.shape[0] > 0: kp_find = loop[-1] has_kp = np.any(kp_arr == kp_find, axis=1) row = kp_arr[has_kp] loop.append(row[row != kp_find][0]) kp_arr = kp_arr[~has_kp] assert loop[0] == loop[-1] return loop[:-1] def _clip_cell(cell_data, domain): domain_name = type(domain).__name__.lower() if domain_name in ['rectangle', 'square', 'box', 'cube']: return cell_data if domain.n_dim == 2: pts = np.array(cell_data['vertices']) if np.all(domain.within(pts)): return cell_data # split the edges that contain the boundary new_adj = np.copy(cell_data['adjacency']) new_faces = [] new_pts = np.copy(cell_data['vertices']) new_kps = [] for face in cell_data['faces']: adj_cell = face['adjacent_cell'] verts = face['vertices'] face_pts = pts[verts] pts_within = domain.within(face_pts) if np.all(pts_within) or np.all(~pts_within): new_faces.append(face) continue crossing_pt = _segment_cross(face_pts, domain) # Add point to list of vertices and face to list of faces crossing_kp = len(new_pts) new_pts = np.vstack((new_pts, crossing_pt.reshape(1, -1))) new_kps.append(crossing_kp) for kp_i, kp in enumerate(verts): kp_other = verts[1 - kp_i] new_adj[kp] = [kp_other, crossing_kp] new_verts = [kp, crossing_kp] new_faces.append({'adjacent_cell': adj_cell, 'vertices': new_verts}) # add divider face new_faces.append({'adjacent_cell': -1, 'vertices': new_kps}) # Create cell within the domain new_within = domain.within(new_pts) new_within[new_kps] = True within_pts = new_pts[new_within] kp_conv = np.full(len(new_pts), -1, dtype='int') kp_conv[new_within] = np.arange(np.sum(new_within)) within_adj = [[] for pt in within_pts] within_faces = [] for face in new_faces: adj_cell = face['adjacent_cell'] old_verts = face['vertices'] new_verts = [kp_conv[v] for v in old_verts] within_face = {'adjacent_cell': adj_cell, 'vertices': new_verts} if all([v >= 0 for v in new_verts]): within_faces.append(within_face) within_adj[new_verts[0]].append(new_verts[1]) within_adj[new_verts[1]].append(new_verts[0]) # Compute cell area within_loop = kp_loop([f['vertices'] for f in within_faces]) within_area = _loop_area(within_pts, within_loop) new_cell_data = {'adjacency': within_adj, 'faces': within_faces, 'original': cell_data['original'], 'vertices': within_pts, 'volume': within_area} return new_cell_data w_str = 'Cannot clip cells to fit to a ' + domain_name + '.' w_str = ' Currently 3D geometries are not supported, other than boxes.' warnings.warn(w_str, RuntimeWarning) return cell_data def _segment_cross(pts, domain): end_pts = np.copy(pts) ds = np.inf while ds > 1e-12: within = domain.within(end_pts) pt = end_pts.mean(axis=0) pt_within = domain.within(pt) if within[0] == pt_within: end_pts[0] = pt else: end_pts[1] = pt dx = end_pts[1] - end_pts[0] ds = np.linalg.norm(dx) return pt def _loop_area(pts, loop): double_area = 0 n = len(loop) for i in range(n): ip1 = (i + 1) % n xi = pts[i][0] yi = pts[i][1] xip1 = pts[ip1][0] yip1 = pts[ip1][1] det = xi * yip1 - xip1 * yi double_area += det return 0.5 * np.abs(double_area) def _is_outward(pt_list, voropp_face_num): n_dim = len(pt_list[0]) voropp_sgn = 1-2*(voropp_face_num % 2) voropp_axis = int((-voropp_face_num - 1)/2) face_vec = voropp_sgn * np.eye(n_dim)[voropp_axis] if n_dim == 2: pt1 = pt_list[0] pt2 = pt_list[1] rel_pos = np.array(pt2) - np.array(pt1) n_vec = np.array([-rel_pos[1], rel_pos[0]]) elif n_dim == 3: pt1 = pt_list[0] pt2 = pt_list[1] pt3 = pt_list[2] r1 = np.array(pt2) - np.array(pt1) r2 = np.array(pt3) - np.array(pt1) n_vec = np.cross(r1, r2) else: raise ValueError('Function does not support {}D.'.format(n_dim)) n_u = n_vec / np.linalg.norm(n_vec) return, face_vec) > 0 def _edge_lengths(pmesh): edge_lens = {} # (kp1, kp2): {'length': #, 'regions': set()} for i, f in enumerate(pmesh.facets): n = len(f) facet_kp_pairs = [(f[k], f[(k + 1) % n]) for k in range(n)] for pair in facet_kp_pairs: key = tuple(sorted(pair)) if key not in edge_lens: # calculate edge length pt1 = pmesh.points[key[0]] pt2 = pmesh.points[key[1]] rel_pos = np.array(pt2) - np.array(pt1) edge_len = np.linalg.norm(rel_pos) edge_lens[key] = { 'length': edge_len, 'regions': set(), } neighs = pmesh.facet_neighbors[i] edge_lens[key]['regions'] |= set(neighs) return edge_lens def _shortest_edge(edge_lens): min_len = float('inf') min_pair = (-1, -1) for pair in edge_lens: length = edge_lens[pair]['length'] if length < min_len: min_len = length min_pair = pair return min_pair def _point_line_vec(pt, line_pts): ptA, ptB = line_pts n_vec = (ptB - ptA) / np.linalg.norm(ptB - ptA) rel_pos = ptA - pt proj =, n_vec) * n_vec dist_vec = rel_pos - proj u_vec = dist_vec / np.linalg.norm(dist_vec) return u_vec