<settings> - Settings


Settings can be added to the input file to specify file outputs and mesh quality, among other things. The default settings are:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Default settings -->
        <!-- File and Console I/O -->
        <verbose> False </verbose>
        <directory> . </directory>

            <seeds> txt </seeds>
            <poly> txt </poly>
            <tri> txt </tri>
            <seeds_plot> png </seeds_plot>
            <poly_plot> png </poly_plot>
            <tri_plot> png </tri_plot>
            <verify_plot> png </verify_plot>

        <!-- Run Settings -->
        <restart> True </restart>

            <position> 0 </position>
            <!-- RNG can be set for grain shape distributions as well. -->
            <!-- For example, <size> 2 </size> seeds the RNG for       -->
            <!-- sampling size distributions with 2.                   -->

        <rtol> fit </rtol>

        <edge_opt> False </edge_opt>
        <edge_opt_n_iter> 100 </edge_opt_n_iter>

        <mesh_max_volume> inf </mesh_max_volume>
        <mesh_min_angle> 0 </mesh_min_angle>
        <mesh_max_edge_length> inf </mesh_max_edge_length>

        <verify> False </verify>

        <!-- Plot Controls -->
        <plot_axes> True </plot_axes>

        <color_by> material </color_by>
        <colormap> viridis </colormap>

        <seeds_kwargs> </seeds_kwargs>
        <poly_kwargs> </poly_kwargs>
        <tri_kwargs> </tri_kwargs>

File and Console I/O


The verbose flag toggles text updates to the console as MicroStructPy runs. Setting <verbose> True </verbose> will print updates, while False turns them off.


The directory field is for the path to the output files. It can be an absolute file path, or relative to the input file. For example, if the file is in aa/bb/cc/input.xml and the directory field is <directory> ../output </directory>, then MicroStructPy will write output files to aa/bb/output/. If the output directory does not exist, MicroStructPy will create it.


This field is for specifying output filetypes. The possible subfields are seeds, seeds_plot, poly, poly_plot, tri, tri_plot, and verify_plot. Below is an outline of the possible filetypes for each subfield.

  • seeds


    Currently the only option is to output the seed geometries as a cache txt file.

  • seeds_plot

    ps, eps, pdf, pgf, png, raw, rgba, svg, svgz, jpg, jpeg, tif, tiff

    These are the standard matplotlib output filetypes.

  • poly

    txt, poly (2D only), ply, vtk (3D only)

    A poly file contains a planar straight line graph (PSLG) and cane be read by Triangle. More details on poly files can be found on the .poly files page of the Triangle website. The ply file contains the surfaces between grains and the boundary of the domain. VTK legacy files also contain the polygonal surfaces between grains.

  • poly_plot

    ps, eps, pdf, pgf, png, raw, rgba, svg, svgz, jpg, jpeg, tif, tiff

    These are the standard matplotlib output filetypes.

  • tri

    txt, abaqus, tet/tri, vtk (3D only)

    The abaqus option will create a part for each grain and assembly the parts. The tet/tri option will create .node and .elem files in the same format as the output of Triangle or TetGen. VTK files are suitable for viewing the mesh interactively in a program such as Paraview.

  • tri_plot

    ps, eps, pdf, pgf, png, raw, rgba, svg, svgz, jpg, jpeg, tif, tiff

    These are the standard matplotlib output filetypes.

  • verify_plot

    ps, eps, pdf, pgf, png, raw, rgba, svg, svgz, jpg, jpeg, tif, tiff

    These are the standard matplotlib output filetypes.

For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <seeds> txt </seeds>
            <seeds_plot> png, pdf </seeds_plot>
            <poly> txt, ply </poly>
            <poly_plot> svg </poly_plot>
            <tri> txt </tri>
            <tri_plot> pdf </tri_plot>
            <verify_plot> pdf </verify_plot>

If a subfield is not specified, that output is not saved to any file. The exception is, if <restart> True </restart>, then the seeds, poly mesh, and tri mesh will all be output to txt files.

Run Settings


The restart flag will read the intermediate txt output files, if they exist, instead of duplicating previous work. Setting <restart> True </restart> will read the txt files, while False will ignore the existing txt files.


The random number generator (RNG) seeds can be included to create multiple, repeatable realizations of a microstructure. By default, RNG seeds are all set to 0. An RNG seed can be specified for any of the distributed parameters in grain geometry. For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <shape> circle </shape>
            <dist_type> uniform </dist_type>
            <loc> 1 </loc>
            <scale> 2 </scale>

        <shape> ellipse </shape>
        <axes> 1, 2 </axes>
            <dist_type> norm </dist_type>
            <loc> 0 <loc>
            <scale> 15 </scale>

            <radius> 1 </radius>
            <angle_deg> 0 </angle_deg>
            <position> 3 </position>

In this case, if the position RNG were changed from 3 to 4 and the rest of the RNG seeds remained the same, MicroStructPy would generate the same set of seed geometries and arrange them differently in the domain.


The rtol field is for the relative overlap tolerance between seed geometries. The overlap is relative to the radius of the smaller circle or sphere. Overlap is acceptable if

\[\frac{r_1 + r_2 - ||x_1 - x_2||}{min(r_1, r_2)} < rtol\]

The default value is <rtol> fit </rtol>, which uses a fit curve to determine an appropriate value of rtol. This curve considers the coefficient of variation in grain volume and estimates an rtol value that maximizes the fit between input and output distributions.

Acceptable values of rtol are 0 to 1 inclusive, though rtol below 0.2 will likely result in long runtimes.


The edge_opt field provides the option to maximize the shortest edge in the polygonal/polyhedral mesh. The default is <edge_opt> False </edge_opt>, which skips the optimization process. This optimization is performed by making small adjustments to the positions of seeds surrounding the shortest edge, assessing if the change created an improvement, then either a) attempting a different change for the same edge if there was not improvement or b) moving on to the new shortest edge. The optimization algorithm exits when edge_opt_n_iter iterations have been performed on the same edge.

This flag is useful if the polygonal/polyhedral or triangular/tetrahedral are used in numerical simulations, such as finite element analysis. A high ratio of longest edge to shortest edge leads to a high ratio in maximum to minimum eigenvalue in FEA stiffness matrices, which can create problems for the FEA solver. Setting edge_opt to True will reduce short edges in the polygonal mesh, which translates into reduced short edges in the triangular mesh. This optimization process, however, will increase the time to generate a polygonal mesh. To track the progress of the optimizer, set verbose to True.


This field specifies how many times the optimizer should attempt to increase the length of the shortest edge in the polygonal mesh. The default is <edge_opt_n_iter> 100 </edge_opt_n_iter>, which limits the optimizer to 100 attempts per edge. This field is ignored if edge_opt is set to False.


This field defines the maximum volume (or area, in 2D) of any element in the triangular (unstructured) mesh. The default is <mesh_max_volume> inf </mesh_max_volume>, which turns off the volume control. In this example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <shape> circle </shape>
        <area> 0.01 </area>

        <shape> square </shape>
        <side_length> 1 </side_length>

        <mesh_max_volume> 0.001 </mesh_max_volume>

the unstructured mesh will have at least 10 elements per grain and at least 1000 elements overall.


This field defines the minimum interior angle, measured in degrees, of any element in the triangular mesh. For 3D meshes, this is the minimum dihedral angle, which is between faces of the tetrahedron. This setting controls the aspect ratio of the elements, with angles between 15 and 30 degrees producing good quality meshes. The default is <mesh_min_angle> 0 </mesh_min_angle>, which effectively turns off the angle quality control.


This field defines the maximum edge length along a grain boundary in a 2D triangular mesh. A small maximum edge length will increase resolution of the mesh at grain boundaries. Currently this feature has no equivalent in 3D. The default value is <mesh_max_edge_length> inf </mesh_max_edge_length>, which effectively turns off the edge length quality control.


The verify flag will perform mesh verification on the triangular mesh and report error metrics. To include mesh verification, include <verify> True </verify> in the settings. The default behavior is to not perform mesh verification.

Plot Controls


The plot_axes flag toggles the axes on or off in the output plots. Setting it to False turns the axes off, producing images with miniminal borders. The default setting is <plot_axes> True </plot_axes>, which includes the coordinate axes in output plots.


The color_by field defines how the seeds and grains should be colored in the output plots. There are three options for this field: “material”, “seed number”, and “material number”. The default setting is <color_by> material </color_by>. Using “material”, the output plots will color each seed/grain with the color of its material. Using “seed number”, the seeds/grains are colored by their seed number, which is converted into a color using the colormap. The “material number” option behaves in the same was as “seed number”, except that the material numbers are used instead of seed numbers.


The colormap field is used when color_by is set to either “seed number” or “material number”. This gives the name of the colormap to be used in coloring the seeds/grains. For a complete list of available colormaps, visit the Choosing Colormaps in Matplotlib webpage.


This field contains optional keyword arguments passed to matplotlib when plotting the seeds. For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <edgecolor> none </edgecolor>
            <alpha> 0.5 </alpha>

will plot the seeds with some transparency and no borders.


This field contains optional keyword arguments passed to matplotlib when plotting the polygonal mesh. For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <linewidth> 0.5 </linewidth>
            <edgecolors> blue </edgecolors>

will plot the mesh with thin, blue lines between the grains.


This field contains optional keyword arguments passed to matplotlib when plotting the triangular mesh. For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <linewidth> 0.5 </linewidth>
            <edgecolors> white </edgecolors>

will plot the mesh with thin, white lines between the elements.