Source code for microstructpy.seeding.seedlist

"""Seed List

This module contains the class definition for the SeedList class.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
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# Import Modules                                                              #
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from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import warnings

import aabbtree
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats
from matplotlib import collections
from matplotlib import patches
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from pyquaternion import Quaternion
from scipy.spatial import distance

from microstructpy import _misc
from microstructpy import geometry
from microstructpy.seeding import seed as _seed

__all__ = ['SeedList']
__author__ = 'Kenneth (Kip) Hart'

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
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# SeedList Class                                                              #
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# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class SeedList(object): """List of seed geometries. The SeedList is similar to a standard Python list, but contains instances of the :class:`.Seed` class. It can be generated from a list of Seeds, by creating enough seeds to fill a given volume, or by reading the content of a cache text file. Args: seeds (list): *(optional)* List of :class:`.Seed` instances. """ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Constructors # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __init__(self, seeds=[]): self.seeds = seeds
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename): """Create seed list from file containing list of seeds This function creates a seed list from a file containing a list of seeds. This file should contain the string representations of seeds, separated by a newline character (which is the behavior of :meth:`write`). Args: filename (str): File containing the seed list. Returns: SeedList: Instance of class. """ with open(filename, 'r') as file: file_str = beg = 'Geometry:' rem = file_str.split(beg)[1:] return cls([_seed.Seed.from_str(beg + s) for s in rem])
[docs] @classmethod def from_info(cls, phases, volume, rng_seeds={}): """Create seed list from microstructure information This function creates a seed list from information about the microstruture. The "phases" input should be a list of material phase dictionaries, formatted according to the :ref:`phase_dict_guide` guide. The "volume" input is the minimum volume of the list of seeds. Seeds will be added to the list until this volume threshold is crossed. Finally, the "rng_seeds" input is a dictionary of random number generator (RNG) seeds for each parameter of the seed geometries. For example, if one of the phases uses "size" to define the seeds, then "size" could be a keyword of the "rng_seeds" input. The value should be a non-negative integer, to seed the RNG for size. The default RNG seed is 0. Note: If two or more parameters have the same RNG seed and the same kernel of the distribution, those parameters will **not** be correlated. This method updates RNG seeds based on the order that distributions are sampled to avoid correlation between independent random variables. Args: phases (dict): Dictionary of phase information, see :ref:`phase_dict_guide` for a guide. volume (float): The total area/volume of the seeds in the list. rng_seeds (dict): *(optional)* Dictionary of RNG seeds for each step in the seeding process. The dictionary keys should match shape parameters in ``phases``. For example:: rng_seeds = { 'size': 0, 'angle': 3, } Returns: SeedList: An instance of the class containing seeds prescribed by the phase information and filling the given volume. """ # determine dimensionality, set default shape default_shapes = {2: 'circle', 3: 'sphere'} n_dim = None if isinstance(phases, dict): phases = [phases] for phase in phases: if 'shape' in phase: n_dim = geometry.factory(phase['shape']).n_dim if n_dim is None: e_str = 'Number of dimensions could not be determined from phase ' e_str += 'shapes. Consider setting the shape of a phase, or' e_str += ' specifying the number of dimensions.' raise ValueError(e_str) for phase in phases: if 'shape' in phase: assert geometry.factory(phase['shape']).n_dim == n_dim else: phase['shape'] = default_shapes[n_dim] # compute volume of each phase vol_rng = rng_seeds.get('fraction', 0) np.random.seed(vol_rng) n_phases = len(phases) rel_vols = np.ones(n_phases) for i, phase in enumerate(phases): vol = phase.get('fraction', 1) try: v_sample = -1 while v_sample < 0: v_sample = vol.rvs() rel_vols[i] = v_sample except AttributeError: rel_vols[i] = vol vol_fracs = rel_vols / sum(rel_vols) phase_vols = volume * vol_fracs # compute number of seeds for each phase if n_dim == 2: avg_vols = [geometry.factory(p['shape']).area_expectation(**p) for p in phases] else: avg_vols = [geometry.factory(p['shape']).volume_expectation(**p) for p in phases] weights = phase_vols / np.array(avg_vols) pop_fracs = weights / sum(weights) seed_vol = 0 seeds = [] max_int = np.iinfo(np.int32).max while seed_vol < volume: # Pick the phase rng_seed = rng_seeds.get('phase', 0) np.random.seed(rng_seed) phase_num = np.random.choice(n_phases, p=pop_fracs) phase = phases[phase_num] rng_seeds['phase'] = np.random.randint(max_int) # Create the seed seed_shape = phase['shape'] seed_args = {'phase': phase_num} kw_n = 0 for kw in set(phase) - set(_misc.gen_kws): # set the RNG seed rng_seed = rng_seeds.get(kw, 0) np.random.seed(rng_seed) # Sample, with special cases for orientation if kw not in _misc.ori_kws: try: val = phase[kw].rvs(random_state=rng_seed) except AttributeError: val = phase[kw] seed_args[kw] = val elif (phase[kw] == 'random') and (n_dim == 2): np.random.seed(rng_seed) seed_args['angle_deg'] = 360 * np.random.rand() elif phase[kw] == 'random': np.random.seed(rng_seed) elems = np.random.normal(size=4) mag = np.linalg.norm(elems) elems /= mag val = Quaternion(elems).rotation_matrix seed_args[kw] = val elif kw in ['rot_seq', 'rot_seq_deg', 'rot_seq_rad']: seq = [] val = phase[kw] if not isinstance(val, list): val = [val] for rotation in val: rot_dict = {str(kw): rotation[kw] for kw in rotation} ax = rot_dict.get('axis', 'x') ang_dist = rot_dict.get('angle', 0) try: ang = ang_dist.rvs(random_state=rng_seed) except AttributeError: ang = ang_dist seq.append((ax, ang)) seed_args[kw] = seq else: try: val = phase[kw].rvs(random_state=rng_seed) except AttributeError: val = phase[kw] seed_args[kw] = val # Update the RNG seed np.random.seed(rng_seed + kw_n) rng_seeds[kw] = np.random.randint(max_int - kw_n) kw_n += 1 # Add seed to list seed = _seed.Seed.factory(seed_shape, **seed_args) seeds.append(seed) seed_vol += seed.volume return cls(seeds)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Representation and String Functions # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __repr__(self): repr_str = 'SeedList(' repr_str += repr(self.seeds) repr_str += ')' return repr_str def __str__(self): str_str = '\n'.join([str(s) for s in self.seeds]) return str_str # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # List Methods # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __getitem__(self, i): if isinstance(i, slice): return SeedList(self.seeds[i]) try: return self.seeds[i] except TypeError: indices = np.arange(len(self))[i] return SeedList([self.seeds[ind] for ind in indices]) def __setitem__(self, i, s): try: self.seeds[int(i)] = s except TypeError: n_added = 0 for ind, i_val in enumerate(i): if str(i_val) == 'True': self.seeds[ind] = s[n_added] n_added += 1 elif str(i_val) != 'False': self.seeds[int(i_val)] = s[ind] def __add__(self, seedlist): """Add seed lists together This function overloads the + operator, similar to :meth:`list.__add__`. Args: seedlist (SeedList, list): List of seeds to add. Returns: SeedList: Instance that joins the two seed lists. .. versionadded:: 1.1 """ if type(self) == type(seedlist): return SeedList(self.seeds + seedlist.seeds) else: return SeedList(self.seeds + seedlist) def __len__(self): return len(self.seeds)
[docs] def append(self, seed): """Append seed This function appends a seed to the list. Args: seed (Seed): The seed to append to the list """ self.seeds.append(seed)
[docs] def extend(self, seeds): """Extend seed list This function adds a list of seeds to the end of the seed list. Args: seeds (list or SeedList): List of seeds """ if isinstance(seeds, SeedList): self.seeds.extend(seeds.seeds) else: self.seeds.extend(seeds)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Comparison Methods # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __eq__(self, other_list): same = len(self) == len(other_list) if same: for s1, s2 in zip(self, other_list): same &= s1 == s2 return same # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Write Function # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def write(self, filename, format='txt'): """Write seed list to a text file This function writes out the seed list to a file. The format of the file can be either 'txt' or 'vtk'. The content of the 'txt' file is human-readable and can be read by the :func:`SeedList.from_file` method. The 'vtk' option creates a VTK legacy file with the grain geometries. For grains that are non-spherical, the spherical breakdown of the seed is output instead of the seed itself. Args: filename (str): File to write the seed list. """ if format == 'txt': with open(filename, 'w') as file: file.write(str(self) + '\n') elif format == 'vtk': # Unpack breakdowns bkdwns = np.array([b for s in self for b in s.breakdown]) n_pts, n_col = bkdwns.shape seed_nums = np.array([i for i, s in enumerate(self) for b in s.breakdown]) centers = np.zeros((n_pts, 3)) centers[:, :(n_col - 1)] = bkdwns[:, :-1] diameters = 2 * bkdwns[:, -1] pt_fmt = '{: f} {: f} {: f}\n' # write heading vtk = '# vtk DataFile Version 2.0\n' vtk += 'Tetrahedral mesh\n' vtk += 'ASCII\n' vtk += 'DATASET POLYDATA\n' # Write points vtk += 'POINTS ' + str(n_pts) + ' float\n' vtk += ''.join([pt_fmt.format(*c) for c in centers]) # Write diameters vtk += '\nPOINT_DATA ' + str(n_pts) + '\n' vtk += 'SCALARS diameters double 1 \n' vtk += 'LOOKUP_TABLE Diameters\n' vtk += ''.join([str(d) + '\n' for d in diameters]) # Write material numbers vtk += '\nSCALARS phase_numbers int 1 \n' vtk += 'LOOKUP_TABLE phase_numbers\n' vtk += ''.join([str(self[n].phase) + '\n' for n in seed_nums]) # Write seed numbers vtk += '\nSCALARS seed_numbers int 1 \n' vtk += 'LOOKUP_TABLE seed_numbers \n' vtk += ''.join([str(n) + '\n' for n in seed_nums]) with open(filename, 'w') as file: file.write(vtk) else: raise ValueError('Cannot write to format ' + str(format))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Plot Function # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def plot(self, index_by='seed', material=[], loc=0, **kwargs): """Plot the seeds in the seed list. This function plots the seeds contained in the seed list. In 2D, the seeds are grouped into matplotlib collections to reduce the computational load. In 3D, matplotlib does not have patches, so each seed is rendered as its own surface. Additional keyword arguments can be specified and passed through to matplotlib. These arguments should be either single values (e.g. ``edgecolors='k'``), or lists of values that have the same length as the seed list. Args: index_by (str): *(optional)* {'material' | 'seed'} Flag for indexing into the other arrays passed into the function. For example, ``plot(index_by='material', color=['blue', 'red'])`` will plot the seeds with ``phase`` equal to 0 in blue, and seeds with ``phase`` equal to 1 in red. Defaults to 'seed'. material (list): *(optional)* Names of material phases. One entry per material phase (the ``index_by`` argument is ignored). If this argument is set, a legend is added to the plot with one entry per material. loc (int or str): *(optional)* The location of the legend, if 'material' is specified. This argument is passed directly through to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.legend`. Defaults to 0, which is 'best' in matplotlib. **kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to matplotlib """ seed_args = [{} for seed in self] for seed_num, seed in enumerate(self): phase_num = seed.phase for key, val in kwargs.items(): if type(val) in (list, np.array): if index_by == 'seed' and len(val) > seed_num: seed_args[seed_num][key] = val[seed_num] elif index_by == 'material' and len(val) > phase_num: seed_args[seed_num][key] = val[phase_num] else: seed_args[seed_num][key] = val n = self[0].geometry.n_dim if n == 2: ax = plt.gca() else: ax = plt.gcf().gca( n_obj = _misc.ax_objects(ax) if n_obj > 0: xlim = ax.get_xlim() ylim = ax.get_ylim() else: xlim = [float('inf'), -float('inf')] ylim = [float('inf'), -float('inf')] if n == 3: if n_obj > 0: zlim = ax.get_zlim() else: zlim = [float('inf'), -float('inf')] for seed, args in zip(self, seed_args): seed.plot(**args) elif n == 2: ellipse_data = {'w': [], 'h': [], 'a': [], 'xy': []} ec_kwargs = {} rect_data = {'xy': [], 'w': [], 'h': [], 'angle': []} rect_kwargs = {} pc_verts = [] pc_kwargs = {} for seed, args in zip(self, seed_args): geom_name = type(seed.geometry).__name__.lower().strip() if geom_name == 'ellipse': a, b = seed.geometry.axes cen = np.array(seed.position) t = seed.geometry.angle_deg ellipse_data['w'].append(2 * a) ellipse_data['h'].append(2 * b) ellipse_data['a'].append(t) ellipse_data['xy'].append(cen) for key, val in args.items(): val_list = ec_kwargs.get(key, []) val_list.append(val) ec_kwargs[key] = val_list elif geom_name == 'circle': diam = seed.geometry.diameter cen = np.array(seed.position) ellipse_data['w'].append(diam) ellipse_data['h'].append(diam) ellipse_data['a'].append(0) ellipse_data['xy'].append(cen) for key, val in args.items(): val_list = ec_kwargs.get(key, []) val_list.append(val) ec_kwargs[key] = val_list elif geom_name in ['rectangle', 'square']: w, h = seed.geometry.side_lengths corner = seed.geometry.corner t = seed.geometry.angle_deg rect_data['w'].append(w) rect_data['h'].append(h) rect_data['angle'].append(t) rect_data['xy'].append(corner) for key, val in args.items(): val_list = rect_kwargs.get(key, []) val_list.append(val) rect_kwargs[key] = val_list elif geom_name == 'curl': xy = seed.geometry.plot_xy() pc_verts.append(xy) for key, val in args.items(): val_list = pc_kwargs.get(key, []) val_list.append(val) pc_kwargs[key] = val_list elif geom_name == 'nonetype': pass else: e_str = 'Cannot plot groups of ' + geom_name e_str += ' yet.' raise NotImplementedError(e_str) # abbreviate kwargs if all the same for key, val in ec_kwargs.items(): v1 = val[0] same = True for v in val: same &= v == v1 if same: ec_kwargs[key] = v1 for key, val in pc_kwargs.items(): v1 = val[0] same = True for v in val: same &= v == v1 if same: pc_kwargs[key] = v1 # Plot Circles and Ellipses ax = plt.gca() w = np.array(ellipse_data['w']) h = np.array(ellipse_data['h']) a = np.array(ellipse_data['a']) xy = np.array(ellipse_data['xy']) ec = collections.EllipseCollection(w, h, a, units='x', offsets=xy, transOffset=ax.transData, **ec_kwargs) ax.add_collection(ec) # Plot Rectangles rects = [Rectangle(xy=xyi, width=wi, height=hi, angle=ai) for xyi, wi, hi, ai in zip(rect_data['xy'], rect_data['w'], rect_data['h'], rect_data['angle'])] rc = collections.PatchCollection(rects, False, **rect_kwargs) ax.add_collection(rc) # Plot Polygons pc = collections.PolyCollection(pc_verts, **pc_kwargs) ax.add_collection(pc) ax.autoscale_view() # Add legend if material: p_kwargs = [{'label': m} for m in material] if index_by == 'seed': for seed_kwargs, seed in zip(seed_args, self): p = seed.phase p_kwargs[p].update(seed_kwargs) else: for key, val in kwargs.items(): if type(val) in (list, np.array): for i, elem in enumerate(val): p_kwargs[i][key] = elem else: for i in range(len(p_kwargs)): p_kwargs[i][key] = val # Replace plural keywords for p_kw in p_kwargs: for kw in _misc.mpl_plural_kwargs: if kw in p_kw: p_kw[kw[:-1]] = p_kw[kw] del p_kw[kw] handles = [patches.Patch(**p_kw) for p_kw in p_kwargs] ax.legend(handles=handles, loc=loc) # Adjust Axes seed_lims = [np.array(s.geometry.limits).flatten() for s in self] mins = np.array(seed_lims)[:, 0::2].min(axis=0) maxs = np.array(seed_lims)[:, 1::2].max(axis=0) xlim = (min(xlim[0], mins[0]), max(xlim[1], maxs[0])) ylim = (min(ylim[0], mins[1]), max(ylim[1], maxs[1])) if n == 2: plt.axis('square') ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) if n == 3: zlim = (min(zlim[0], mins[2]), max(zlim[1], maxs[2])) ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) ax.set_zlim(zlim) _misc.axisEqual3D(ax)
[docs] def plot_breakdown(self, index_by='seed', material=[], loc=0, **kwargs): """Plot the breakdowns of the seeds in seed list. This function plots the breakdowns of seeds contained in the seed list. In 2D, the breakdowns are grouped into matplotlib collections to reduce the computational load. In 3D, matplotlib does not have patches, so each breakdown is rendered as its own surface. Additional keyword arguments can be specified and passed through to matplotlib. These arguments should be either single values (e.g. ``edgecolors='k'``), or lists of values that have the same length as the seed list. Args: index_by (str): *(optional)* {'material' | 'seed'} Flag for indexing into the other arrays passed into the function. For example, ``plot(index_by='material', color=['blue', 'red'])`` will plot the seeds with ``phase`` equal to 0 in blue, and seeds with ``phase`` equal to 1 in red. Defaults to 'seed'. material (list): *(optional)* Names of material phases. One entry per material phase (the ``index_by`` argument is ignored). If this argument is set, a legend is added to the plot with one entry per material. loc (int or str): *(optional)* The location of the legend, if 'material' is specified. This argument is passed directly through to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.legend`. Defaults to 0, which is 'best' in matplotlib. **kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to matplotlib """ seed_args = [{} for seed in self] for seed_num, seed in enumerate(self): phase_num = seed.phase for key, val in kwargs.items(): if type(val) in (list, np.array): if index_by == 'seed' and len(val) > seed_num: seed_args[seed_num][key] = val[seed_num] elif index_by == 'material' and len(val) > phase_num: seed_args[seed_num][key] = val[phase_num] else: seed_args[seed_num][key] = val n = self[0].geometry.n_dim if n == 2: ax = plt.gca() else: ax = plt.gcf().gca( n_obj = _misc.ax_objects(ax) if n_obj > 0: xlim = ax.get_xlim() ylim = ax.get_ylim() else: xlim = [float('inf'), -float('inf')] ylim = [float('inf'), -float('inf')] if n == 3: if n_obj > 0: zlim = ax.get_zlim() else: zlim = [float('inf'), -float('inf')] for seed, args in zip(self, seed_args): seed.plot_breakdown(**args) elif n == 2: breakdowns = np.zeros((0, 3)) ec_kwargs = {} for seed, args in zip(self, seed_args): breakdowns = np.concatenate((breakdowns, seed.breakdown)) n_c = len(seed.breakdown) for key, val in args.items(): val_list = ec_kwargs.get(key, []) val_list.extend(n_c * [val]) ec_kwargs[key] = val_list d = 2 * breakdowns[:, -1] xy = breakdowns[:, :-1] a = np.full(len(breakdowns), 0) # abbreviate kwargs if all the same for key, val in ec_kwargs.items(): v1 = val[0] same = True for v in val: same &= v == v1 if same: ec_kwargs[key] = v1 ax = plt.gca() ec = collections.EllipseCollection(d, d, a, units='x', offsets=xy, transOffset=ax.transData, **ec_kwargs) ax.add_collection(ec) ax.autoscale_view() # Add legend if material: p_kwargs = [{'label': m} for m in material] if index_by == 'seed': for seed_kwargs, seed in zip(seed_args, self): p = seed.phase p_kwargs[p].update(seed_kwargs) else: for key, val in kwargs.items(): if type(val) in (list, np.array): for i, elem in enumerate(val): p_kwargs[i][key] = elem else: for i in range(len(p_kwargs)): p_kwargs[i][key] = val # Replace plural keywords for p_kw in p_kwargs: for kw in _misc.mpl_plural_kwargs: if kw in p_kw: p_kw[kw[:-1]] = p_kw[kw] del p_kw[kw] handles = [patches.Patch(**p_kw) for p_kw in p_kwargs] if n == 2: ax.legend(handles=handles, loc=loc) else: plt.gca().legend(handles=handles, loc=loc) # Adjust Axes seed_lims = [np.array(s.geometry.limits).flatten() for s in self] mins = np.array(seed_lims)[:, 0::2].min(axis=0) maxs = np.array(seed_lims)[:, 1::2].max(axis=0) xlim = (min(xlim[0], mins[0]), max(xlim[1], maxs[0])) ylim = (min(ylim[0], mins[1]), max(ylim[1], maxs[1])) if n == 2: plt.axis('square') ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) if n == 3: zlim = (min(zlim[0], mins[2]), max(zlim[1], maxs[2])) ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) ax.set_zlim(zlim) _misc.axisEqual3D(ax)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Position Function # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def position(self, domain, pos_dists={}, rng_seed=0, hold=[], max_attempts=10000, rtol='fit', verbose=False): """Position seeds in a domain This method positions the seeds within a domain. The "domain" should be a geometry instance from the :mod:`microstructpy.geometry` module. The "pos_dist" input is for phases with custom position distributions, the default being a uniform random distribution. For example: .. code-block:: python import scipy.stats mu = [0.5, -0.2] sigma = [[2.0, 0.3], [0.3, 0.5]] pos_dists = {2: scipy.stats.multivariate_normal(mu, sigma), 3: ['random', scipy.stats.norm(0, 1)] } Here, phases 0 and 1 have the default distribution, phase 2 has a bivariate normal position distribution, and phase 3 is uniform in the x and normally distributed in the y. Multivariate distributions are described in the multivariate section of the :mod:`scipy.stats` documentation. The position of certain seeds can be held fixed during the positioning process using the "hold" input. This should be a list of booleans, where False indicates a seed should not be held fixed and True indicates that it should be held fixed. The default behavior is to not hold any seeds fixed. The "rtol" parameter governs the relative overlap tolerable between seeds. Setting rtol to 0 means that there is no overlap, while a value of 1 means that one seed's center is on the edge of another seed. The default value is 'fit', which determines a tolerance between 0 and 1 based on the ratio of standard deviation to mean in grain volumes. Args: domain (from :mod:`microstructpy.geometry`): The domain of the microstructure. pos_dists (dict): *(optional)* Position distributions for each phase, formatted like the example above. Defaults to uniform random throughout the domain. rng_seed (int): *(optional)* Random number generator (RNG) seed for positioning the seeds. Should be a non-negative integer. hold (list or numpy.ndarray): *(optional)* List of booleans for holding the positions of seeds. Defaults to False for all seeds. max_attempts (int): *(optional)* Number of random trials before removing a seed from the list. Defaults to 10,000. rtol (str or float): *(optional)* The relative overlap tolerance between seeds. This parameter should be between 0 and 1. Using the 'fit' option, a function will determine the value for rtol based on the mean and standard deviation in seed volumes. verbose (bool): *(optional)* This option will print a running counter of how many seeds have been positioned. Defaults to False. """ # NOQA: E501 if len(hold) == 0: hold = [False for seed in self] # set the spatial distributions u_dist = [scipy.stats.uniform(lb, ub - lb) for lb, ub in domain.sample_limits] distribs = [] n_phases = max([s.phase for s in self]) + 1 for i in range(n_phases): distribs.append(pos_dists.get(i, u_dist)) # Add hold seeds n_seeds = len(self) tree = aabbtree.AABBTree() for i in range(n_seeds): if hold[i]: # add to tree aabb = aabbtree.AABB(self[i].geometry.limits) tree.add(aabb, i) positioned = np.array(hold) vols = np.array([s.volume for s in self]) i_sort = np.flip(np.argsort(vols)) posd_sort = positioned[i_sort] i_position = i_sort[~posd_sort] # allowable overlap, relative to radius cv = scipy.stats.variation(vols) if domain.n_dim == 2 and rtol == 'fit': numer = 0.362954 * cv * cv - 0.419069 * cv + .184959 denom = cv * cv - 1.05989 * cv + 0.365096 rtol = numer / denom elif rtol == 'fit': numer = 0.471115 * cv * cv - 0.602324 * cv + 0.297562 denom = cv * cv - 1.08469 * cv + 0.428216 rtol = numer / denom # position the remaining seeds i_reject = [] np.random.seed(rng_seed) n_samples = 100 for k, i in enumerate(i_position): if verbose: print(k + 1, 'of', len(i_position)) seed = self[i] pos_dist = distribs[seed.phase] searching = True n_attempts = 0 i_sample = 0 pts = sample_pos_within(pos_dist, n_samples, domain) while searching and n_attempts < max_attempts: pt = pts[i_sample] seed.position = pt n_attempts += 1 i_sample += 1 if i_sample == n_samples: pts = sample_pos_within(pos_dist, n_samples, domain) i_sample = 0 bkdwn = np.array(seed.breakdown) cens = bkdwn[:, :-1] rads = bkdwn[:, -1].reshape(-1, 1) aabb = aabbtree.AABB(seed.geometry.limits) olap_inds = tree.overlap_values(aabb, method='BFS') olap_seeds = self[olap_inds] clears = True for olap_seed in olap_seeds: o_bkdwn = np.array(olap_seed.breakdown) o_cens = o_bkdwn[:, :-1] o_rads = o_bkdwn[:, -1].reshape(1, -1) if len(rads) > 1: dists = distance.cdist(cens, o_cens) else: rel_pos = o_cens - cens rp2 = rel_pos * rel_pos dists = np.sqrt(np.sum(rp2, axis=1)) tol = rtol * np.minimum(rads, o_rads) total_dists = dists + tol - rads - o_rads if np.any(total_dists < 0): clears = False break searching = not clears if searching: i_reject.append(i) else: positioned[i] = True self[i] = seed # add to tree aabb = aabbtree.AABB(seed.geometry.limits) tree.add(aabb, i) keep_mask = np.array(n_seeds * [True]) keep_mask[i_reject] = False if ~np.all(keep_mask): reject_seeds = self[~keep_mask] f = 'seed_position_reject.log' reject_seeds.write(f) w_str = 'Seeds were removed from the seed list during positioning.' w_str += ' Their data has beeen written to ' + f + ' and their' w_str += ' indices were ' + str(i_reject) + '.' warnings.warn(w_str, RuntimeWarning) self.seeds = self[keep_mask].seeds
def _get_n_dim(phases): n_dim = None for phase in phases: if 'shape' in phase: n_dim = geometry.factory(phase['shape']).n_dim if n_dim is None: e_str = 'Number of dimensions could not be determined from phase ' e_str += 'shapes. Consider setting the shape of a phase, or' e_str += ' specifying the number of dimensions.' raise ValueError(e_str) return n_dim def _set_sample_rng_seeds(phases, rng_seeds, maxint): rng_keys = list({k for p in phases for k in p} - set(_misc.gen_kws)) rng_keys.extend(['fraction', 'phase']) n_keys = len(rng_keys) int_step = maxint / n_keys sample_seeds = {} for i, k in enumerate(rng_keys): rng_seed = int(rng_seeds.get(k, 0) + i * int_step) sample_seeds[k] = rng_seed % maxint return sample_seeds def _calc_pop_fracs(n_dim, phases, sample_rng_seeds, max_int): # compute volume of each phase vol_rng = sample_rng_seeds['fraction'] n_phases = len(phases) rel_vols = np.ones(n_phases) for i, phase in enumerate(phases): vol = phase.get('fraction', 1) try: v_sample = -1 while v_sample < 0: v_sample = vol.rvs(random_state=vol_rng) vol_rng = (vol_rng + 1) % max_int rel_vols[i] = v_sample except AttributeError: rel_vols[i] = vol vol_fracs = rel_vols / sum(rel_vols) # Compute the average grain volume of each phase if n_dim == 2: shape0 = geometry.factory(phases[0]['shape']) avg_vols = [geometry.factory(p['shape']).area_expectation(**p) for p in phases] else: avg_vols = [geometry.factory(p['shape']).volume_expectation(**p) for p in phases] weights = vol_fracs / np.array(avg_vols) pop_fracs = weights / sum(weights) return pop_fracs def _sample_phase_args(phase, sample_rng_seeds, n_dim, maxint): seed_kwargs = {} for kw in set(phase) - set(_misc.gen_kws): rng_seed = sample_rng_seeds[kw] # Sample, with special cases for orientation if kw not in _misc.ori_kws: try: val = phase[kw].rvs(random_state=rng_seed) except AttributeError: val = phase[kw] seed_kwargs[kw] = val elif (phase[kw] == 'random') and (n_dim == 2): np.random.seed(rng_seed) ang_dist = scipy.stats.uniform(loc=0, scale=360) seed_kwargs['angle_deg'] = ang_dist.rvs(random_state=rng_seed) elif phase[kw] == 'random': quat_dist = scipy.stats.norm() elems = quat_dist.rvs(4, random_state=rng_seed) mag = np.linalg.norm(elems) elems /= mag val = Quaternion(elems).rotation_matrix seed_kwargs[kw] = val elif kw in ['rot_seq', 'rot_seq_deg', 'rot_seq_rad']: seq = [] val = phase[kw] if not isinstance(val, list): val = [val] for rot_i, rotation in enumerate(val): rot_dict = {str(kw): rotation[kw] for kw in rotation} ax = rot_dict.get('axis', 'x') ang_dist = rot_dict.get('angle', 0) rot_rng = (rng_seed + rot_i) % maxint try: ang = ang_dist.rvs(random_state=rot_rng) except AttributeError: ang = ang_dist seq.append((ax, ang)) seed_kwargs[kw] = seq else: try: val = phase[kw].rvs(random_state=rng_seed) except AttributeError: val = phase[kw] seed_kwargs[kw] = val # Update the RNG seed sample_rng_seeds[kw] = (rng_seed + 1) % maxint return seed_kwargs def _plt_args(seeds, index_by, kwargs): seed_args = [{} for seed in seeds] for seed_num, seed in enumerate(seeds): phase_num = seed.phase for key, val in kwargs.items(): if type(val) in (list, np.array): if index_by == 'seed' and len(val) > seed_num: seed_args[seed_num][key] = val[seed_num] elif index_by == 'material' and len(val) > phase_num: seed_args[seed_num][key] = val[phase_num] else: seed_args[seed_num][key] = val return seed_args def _get_axes(n): if n == 2: ax = plt.gca() else: ax = plt.gcf().gca( n_obj = _misc.ax_objects(ax) if n_obj > 0: xlim = ax.get_xlim() ylim = ax.get_ylim() else: xlim = [float('inf'), -float('inf')] ylim = [float('inf'), -float('inf')] lims = [xlim, ylim] if n == 3: if n_obj > 0: zlim = ax.get_zlim() else: zlim = [float('inf'), -float('inf')] lims.append(zlim) return ax, lims def _plot_2d(ax, seeds, seed_args): ellipse_data = {'w': [], 'h': [], 'a': [], 'xy': []} ec_kwargs = {} rect_data = [] rect_kwargs = {} for seed, args in zip(seeds, seed_args): geom_name = type(seed.geometry).__name__.lower().strip() if geom_name == 'ellipse': ellipse_data['w'].append(2 * seed.geometry.a) ellipse_data['h'].append(2 * seed.geometry.b) ellipse_data['a'].append(seed.geometry.angle_deg) ellipse_data['xy'].append(np.array(seed.position)) for key, val in args.items(): val_list = ec_kwargs.get(key, []) + [val] ec_kwargs[key] = val_list elif geom_name == 'circle': ellipse_data['w'].append(seed.geometry.diameter) ellipse_data['h'].append(seed.geometry.diameter) ellipse_data['a'].append(0) ellipse_data['xy'].append(np.array(seed.position)) for key, val in args.items(): val_list = ec_kwargs.get(key, []) + [val] ec_kwargs[key] = val_list elif geom_name in ['rectangle', 'square']: w, h = seed.geometry.side_lengths corner = seed.geometry.corner t = seed.geometry.angle_deg rect_inputs = {'width': w, 'height': h, 'angle': t, 'xy': corner} rect_data.append(rect_inputs) for key, val in args.items(): val_list = rect_kwargs.get(key, []) + [val] rect_kwargs[key] = val_list elif geom_name == 'nonetype': pass else: e_str = 'Cannot plot groups of ' + geom_name + ' yet.' raise NotImplementedError(e_str) # abbreviate kwargs if all the same for key, val in ec_kwargs.items(): v1 = val[0] same = True for v in val: same &= v == v1 if same: ec_kwargs[key] = v1 # Plot Circles and Ellipses w = np.array(ellipse_data['w']) h = np.array(ellipse_data['h']) a = np.array(ellipse_data['a']) xy = np.array(ellipse_data['xy']) ec = collections.EllipseCollection(w, h, a, units='x', offsets=xy, transOffset=ax.transData, **ec_kwargs) ax.add_collection(ec) # Plot Rectangles rects = [Rectangle(**rect_inputs) for rect_inputs in rect_data] rc = collections.PatchCollection(rects, False, **rect_kwargs) ax.add_collection(rc) ax.autoscale_view() def _plot_2d_breakdowns(ax, seeds, seed_args): breakdowns = np.zeros((0, 3)) ec_kwargs = {} for seed, args in zip(seeds, seed_args): breakdowns = np.concatenate((breakdowns, seed.breakdown)) n_c = len(seed.breakdown) for key, val in args.items(): val_list = ec_kwargs.get(key, []) val_list.extend(n_c * [val]) ec_kwargs[key] = val_list d = 2 * breakdowns[:, -1] xy = breakdowns[:, :-1] a = np.full(len(breakdowns), 0) # abbreviate kwargs if all the same for key, val in ec_kwargs.items(): v1 = val[0] same = True for v in val: same &= v == v1 if same: ec_kwargs[key] = v1 ec = collections.EllipseCollection(d, d, a, units='x', offsets=xy, transOffset=ax.transData, **ec_kwargs) ax.add_collection(ec) ax.autoscale_view() def _add_legend(ax, material, seeds, seed_args, kwargs, index_by, loc): if material: p_kwargs = [{'label': m} for m in material] if index_by == 'seed': for seed_kwargs, seed in zip(seed_args, seeds): p_kwargs[seed.phase].update(seed_kwargs) else: for key, val in kwargs.items(): if type(val) in (list, np.array): for i, elem in enumerate(val): p_kwargs[i][key] = elem else: for p_kwargs_i in p_kwargs: p_kwargs_i[key] = val # Replace plural keywords for p_kw in p_kwargs: for kw in _misc.mpl_plural_kwargs: if kw in p_kw: p_kw[kw[:-1]] = p_kw[kw] del p_kw[kw] ax.legend(handles=[patches.Patch(**p_kw) for p_kw in p_kwargs], loc=loc) def calc_rtol(seeds): """Calculate relative overlap tolerance.""" cv = scipy.stats.variation([s.volume for s in seeds]) n_dim = seeds[0].geometry.n_dim if n_dim == 2: numer = 0.362954 * cv * cv - 0.419069 * cv + .184959 denom = cv * cv - 1.05989 * cv + 0.365096 rtol = numer / denom elif n_dim == 3: numer = 0.471115 * cv * cv - 0.602324 * cv + 0.297562 denom = cv * cv - 1.08469 * cv + 0.428216 rtol = numer / denom else: raise ValueError('Cannot calculate rtol for {}-D.'.format(n_dim)) return rtol def sample_pos(distribution, n=1): """ Sample position distribution This function returns a sample of the postion distribution. This distribution can be either a list of independent distributions for each axis, or a single multi-variate distribution. A list of multi-variate distributions is given on the `SciPy stats website`_. Two examples of position distributions are given below. .. code-block:: python # three independent distributions distribution = [scipy.stats.uniform(-1, 2), scipy.stats.norm(0, 1), scipy.stats.binom(5, 0.4)] # one multi-variate distribution mu = [2, -3 , 5] sigma = [[1, 3, 0], [3, 1, 2], [0, 2, 2]] distribution = scipy.stats.multivariate_normal(mu, sigma) Args: distribution (list or scipy.stats distribution): The position distribution. n (int): *(optional)* Number of samples. Defaults to 1. Returns: list: A sample of the distribution. """ # NOQA : E501 try: pos = distribution.rvs(n) except AttributeError: pos = np.full((n, len(distribution)), 0, dtype='float') for j, coord_dist in enumerate(distribution): try: pos[:, j] = coord_dist.rvs(n) except AttributeError: pos[:, j] = coord_dist if n == 1: return pos[0] else: return pos def sample_pos_within(distribution, n, domain): pos = [] while len(pos) < n: samples = sample_pos(distribution, n) mask = domain.within(samples) pos.extend(samples[mask]) if n == 1: return pos return np.array(pos[:n])