Source code for microstructpy.cli

"""Command Line Interface.

This module contains the command line interface (CLI) for MicroStructPy.
The CLI primarily reads XML input files and creates a microstructure according
to those inputs. It can also run demo input files.


from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import argparse
import ast
import collections
import glob
import os
import shutil
import subprocess

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats
import xmltodict
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

from microstructpy import _misc
from microstructpy import geometry
from microstructpy import seeding
from microstructpy import verification
from microstructpy.meshing import PolyMesh
from microstructpy.meshing import TriMesh
from microstructpy.meshing.trimesh import facet_check

__author__ = 'Kenneth (Kip) Hart'

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#                                                                             #
# Main Function                                                               #
#                                                                             #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]def main(): """CLI calling function""" parser_descr = 'Create a microstructure and unstructured grid using the' parser_descr += ' MicroStructPy package. This is the command line' parser_descr += ' interface (CLI) for the package. It reads either demo' parser_descr += ' input files or user-created input files and generates:' parser_descr += ' 1 A list of seed geometries,' parser_descr += ' 2 A polygon/polyhedron mesh, and' parser_descr += ' 3. A triangle/tetrahedron mesh.' parser_descr += 'Additional outputs, such as plots, can be specified in' parser_descr += ' the input file. Please read the input file section of' parser_descr += ' the MicroStructPy documentation for more details.' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=parser_descr) user_descr = 'user-created XML input files, separated by spaces' parser.add_argument('user_files', metavar='u', type=str, nargs='*', default=[], help=user_descr) demo_descr = 'demonstration names, separated by spaces ' demo_descr += ' (see documentation for list of available names)' parser.add_argument('--demo', dest='demo_files', metavar='d', type=str, nargs='*', default=[], help=demo_descr) args = parser.parse_args() # run user-generated files user_files = [f for fnames in args.user_files for f in glob.glob(fnames)] for filename in set(user_files): run_file(filename) # run demo files cli_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) demo_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cli_path, 'examples')) demo_files = args.demo_files if len(demo_files) == 1 and demo_files[0].lower().strip() == 'all': xml_files = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(demo_path, '*.xml')) xml_demos = [os.path.basename(f) for f in glob.glob(xml_files)] py_files = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(demo_path, '*.py')) py_demos = [os.path.basename(f) for f in glob.glob(py_files)] demo_files = xml_demos + py_demos for demo_basename in demo_files: ex_file = os.path.join(demo_path, demo_basename) ext = demo_basename.split('.')[-1] if os.path.exists(ex_file) and (ext in ['py', 'xml']): print('Running ' + repr(demo_basename)) local_filename = os.path.join('./', demo_basename) needed_files = _misc.demo_needs.get(demo_basename, []) for basename in [demo_basename] + needed_files: filename = os.path.join(demo_path, basename) try: shutil.move(filename, './') except shutil.Error: pass else: shutil.copy(basename, filename) if ext == 'py':['python', local_filename]) elif ext == 'xml': run_file(local_filename) else: pass else: p_str = 'Skipping file ' + repr(demo_basename) + ', since ' p_str += 'it is not a valid example filename.' print(p_str)
[docs]def run_file(filename): """Run an input file This function reads an input file and runs it through the standard workflow. Args: filename (str): The name of an XML input file. """ in_data = read_input(filename) phases = in_data['material'] domain = in_data['domain'] kwargs = in_data['settings'] run(phases, domain, **kwargs)
[docs]def read_input(filename): """Convert input file to dictionary This function reads an input file and parses it into a dictionary. Args: filename (str): The name of an XML input file. Returns: collections.OrderedDict: Dictionary of run inputs. """ # Read in the file file_path = os.path.dirname(filename) file_dict = input2dict(filename) assert 'input' in file_dict, 'Root <input> not found in input file.' in_data = dict_convert(file_dict['input'], file_path) k_args = ('material', 'domain') for arg in k_args: assert arg in in_data # Get domain domain_data = in_data['domain'] domain_shape = domain_data['shape'] domain_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in domain_data.items() if k != 'shape'} domain = geometry.factory(domain_shape, **domain_kwargs) in_data['domain'] = domain # Default settings kwargs = in_data.get('settings', {}) run_dir = kwargs.get('directory', '.') if not os.path.isabs(run_dir): rel_path = os.path.join(file_path, run_dir) kwargs['directory'] = os.path.expanduser(os.path.normpath(rel_path)) in_data['settings'] = kwargs return in_data
[docs]def input2dict(filename, root_tag='input'): """Read input file into a dictionary This function reads an input file and creates a dictionary of strings contained within the file. Args: filename: Name of the input file. Returns: collections.OrderedDict: Dictionary of input strings. """ # Read in the file with open(filename, 'r') as file: file_dict = xmltodict.parse( tag = list(file_dict.keys())[0] assert tag == root_tag, repr(tag) + ' != ' + repr(root_tag) return _include_expand(file_dict, filename, root_tag)
def _include_expand(inp, filename, key): if isinstance(inp, str): return inp if isinstance(inp, list): return [_include_expand(inp_i, filename, key) for inp_i in inp] file_path = os.path.dirname(filename) exp_dict = collections.OrderedDict() for inp_key, inp_val in inp.items(): if inp_key == 'include': includes = inp_val if not isinstance(includes, list): includes = [includes] for inc_filename in includes: inc_fname = os.path.expanduser(inc_filename) if os.path.isabs(inc_fname): fname = inc_fname else: fname = os.path.join(file_path, inc_fname) inc_dict = input2dict(fname, key) exp_dict.update(inc_dict[key]) else: exp_dict[inp_key] = _include_expand(inp_val, filename, inp_key) return exp_dict
[docs]def run(phases, domain, verbose=False, restart=True, directory='.', filetypes={}, rng_seeds={}, plot_axes=True, rtol='fit', edge_opt=False, edge_opt_n_iter=100, mesher='Triangle/TetGen', mesh_max_volume=float('inf'), mesh_min_angle=0, mesh_max_edge_length=float('inf'), mesh_size=float('inf'), verify=False, color_by='material', colormap='viridis', seeds_kwargs={}, poly_kwargs={}, tri_kwargs={}): r"""Run MicroStructPy This is the primary run function for the package. It performs these steps: * Create a list of un-positioned seeds * Position seeds in domain * Create a polygon mesh from the seeds * Create a triangle mesh from the polygon mesh * (optional) Perform mesh verification Args: phases (list or dict): Single phase dictionary or list of multiple phase dictionaries. See :ref:`phase_dict_guide` for more details. domain (from :mod:`microstructpy.geometry`): The geometry of the domain. verbose (bool): *(optional)* Option to run in verbose mode. Prints status updates to the terminal. Defaults to False. restart (bool): *(optional)* Option to run in restart mode. Saves caches at the end of each step and reads caches to restart the analysis. Defaults to True. directory (str): *(optional)* File path where outputs will be saved. This path can either be relative to the current directory, or an absolute path. Defaults to the current working directory. filetypes (dict): *(optional)* Filetypes for the output files. A dictionary containing many of the possible file types is:: filetypes = {'seeds': 'txt', 'seeds_plot': ['eps', 'pdf', 'png', 'svg'], 'poly': ['txt', 'ply', 'vtk'], 'poly_plot': 'png', 'tri': ['txt', 'abaqus', 'vtk'], 'tri_plot': ['png', 'pdf'], 'verify_plot': 'pdf' } If an entry is not included in the dictionary, then that output is not saved. Default is an empty dictionary. If *restart* is True, then 'txt' is added to the 'seeds', 'poly', and 'tri' fields. rng_seeds (dict): *(optional)* The random number generator (RNG) seeds. The dictionary values should all be non-negative integers. Specifically, RNG seeds should be convertible to NumPy `uint32`_. An example dictionary is:: rng_seeds = {'fraction': 0, 'phase': 134092, 'position': 1, 'size': 95, 'aspect_ratio': 2, 'orienation': 2 } If a seed is not specified, the default value is 0. rtol (float or str): *(optional)* The relative overlap tolerance between seeds. This parameter should be between 0 and 1. The condition for two circles to overlap is: .. math:: || x_2 - x_1 || + \text{rtol} \min(r_1, r_2) < r_1 + r_2 The default value is ``'fit'``, which uses the mean and variance of the size distribution to estimate a value for rtol. edge_opt (bool): *(optional)* This option will maximize the minimum edge length in the PolyMesh. The seeds associated with the shortest edge are displaced randomly to find improvement and this process iterates until `n_iter` attempts have been made for a given edge. Defaults to False. edge_opt_n_iter (int): *(optional)* Maximum number of iterations per edge during optimization. Ignored if `edge_opt` set to False. Defaults to 100. mesher (str): {'Triangle/TetGen' | 'Triangle' | 'TetGen' | 'gmsh'} specify the mesh generator. Default is 'Triangle/TetGen'. mesh_max_volume (float): *(optional)* The maximum volume (area in 2D) of a mesh cell in the triangular mesh. Default is infinity, which turns off the maximum volume quality setting. Value should be strictly positive. mesh_min_angle (float): *(optional)* The minimum interior angle, in degrees, of a cell in the triangular mesh. For 3D meshes, this is the dihedral angle between faces of the tetrahedron. Defaults to 0, which turns off the angle quality constraint. Value should be in the range 0-60. mesh_max_edge_length (float): *(optional)* The maximum edge length of elements along grain boundaries. Currently only supported in 2D. mesh_size (float): The target size of the mesh elements. This option is used with gmsh. Default is infinity, whihch turns off this control. plot_axes (bool): *(optional)* Option to show the axes in output plots. When False, the plots are saved without axes and very tight borders. Defaults to True. verify (bool): *(optional)* Option to verify the output mesh against the input phases. Defaults to False. color_by (str): *(optional)* {'material' | 'seed number' | 'material number'} Option to choose how the polygons/polyhedra are colored. Defaults to 'material'. colormap (str): *(optional)* Name of the matplotlib colormap to color the seeds. Ignored if `color_by='material'`. Defaults to 'viridis', the standard matplotlib colormap. See `Choosing Colormaps in Matplotlib`_ for more details. seed_kwargs (dict): additional keyword arguments that will be passed to :meth:`.SeedList.plot`. poly_kwargs (dict): Additional keyword arguments that will be passed to :meth:`.PolyMesh.plot_facets` in 2D and :meth:`.PolyMesh.plot` in 3D. tri_kwargs (dict): Additional keyword arguments that will be passed to :meth:`.TriMesh.plot`. .. _`Specifying Colors`: .. _`Choosing Colormaps in Matplotlib`: .. _`uint32`: """ # NOQA: E501 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Condition Inputs # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Phases # ------ if type(phases) is not list: phases = [phases] # Settings # -------- # filetypes if restart: for kw in ('seeds', 'poly', 'tri'): if kw not in filetypes: filetypes[kw] = 'txt' elif isinstance(filetypes[kw], list): if 'txt' not in filetypes[kw]: filetypes[kw].append('txt') else: filetypes[kw] = [filetypes[kw], 'txt'] if verbose: print('Running MicroStructPy in verbose mode.') # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Create Directory # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # if not os.path.exists(directory): if verbose: print('Creating run directory, ' + directory) os.makedirs(directory) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Create Seeds # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # seed_basename = 'seeds.txt' seed_filename = os.path.join(directory, seed_basename) if restart and os.path.exists(seed_filename): # Read seeds from file if verbose: print('Reading seeds from file.') print('Seed file: ' + seed_filename) seeds = seeding.SeedList.from_file(seed_filename) seeds_created = False else: seeds_created = True # Initialize seeds if verbose: print('Creating un-positioned list of seeds.') seeds = _unpositioned_seeds(phases, domain, rng_seeds) if verbose: print('There are ' + str(len(seeds)) + ' seeds.') print('Positioning seeds in domain.') kw = 'position' rng_seed = rng_seeds.get(kw, 0) pos_dists = {i: p[kw] for i, p in enumerate(phases) if kw in p} seeds.position(domain, pos_dists, rng_seed, rtol=rtol, verbose=verbose) # Write seeds seeds_types = filetypes.get('seeds', []) if type(seeds_types) != list: seeds_types = [seeds_types] for seeds_type in seeds_types: fname = seed_filename.rstrip('.txt') + '.' + seeds_type if seeds_created or not os.path.exists(fname): seeds.write(fname, format=seeds_type) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Plot Seeds # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # plot_types = filetypes.get('seeds_plot', ['png']) if not plot_types: plot_types = [] elif type(plot_types) is not list: plot_types = [plot_types] plot_files = [] for ext in plot_types: fname = os.path.join(directory, 'seeds.' + str(ext)) if seeds_created or not os.path.exists(fname): plot_files.append(fname) if plot_files and verbose: print('Plotting seeds.') plot_seeds(seeds, phases, domain, plot_files, plot_axes, color_by, colormap, **seeds_kwargs) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Create Polygon Mesh # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # poly_basename = 'polymesh.txt' poly_filename = os.path.join(directory, poly_basename) if restart and os.path.exists(poly_filename) and not seeds_created: # Read polygon mesh from file if verbose: print('Reading polygon mesh from file.') print('Polygon mesh filename: ' + poly_filename) pmesh = PolyMesh.from_file(poly_filename) poly_created = False else: poly_created = True # Create polygon mesh from seeds if verbose: print('Creating polygon mesh.') pmesh = PolyMesh.from_seeds(seeds, domain, edge_opt, edge_opt_n_iter, verbose) # Write polymesh poly_types = filetypes.get('poly', []) if type(poly_types) != list: poly_types = [poly_types] for poly_type in poly_types: fname = poly_filename.replace('.txt', '.' + poly_type) if poly_created or not os.path.exists(fname): pmesh.write(fname, poly_type) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Plot Polygon Mesh # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # plot_types = filetypes.get('poly_plot', ['png']) if not plot_types: plot_types = [] elif type(plot_types) is not list: plot_types = [plot_types] plot_files = [] for ext in plot_types: fname = os.path.join(directory, 'polymesh.' + str(ext)) if poly_created or not os.path.exists(fname): plot_files.append(fname) if plot_files and verbose: print('Plotting polygon mesh.') plot_poly(pmesh, phases, plot_files, plot_axes, color_by, colormap, **poly_kwargs) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Create Triangular Mesh # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # tri_basename = 'trimesh.txt' tri_filename = os.path.join(directory, tri_basename) exts = {'abaqus': '.inp', 'txt': '.txt', 'str': '.txt', 'tet/tri': '', 'vtk': '.vtk'} if restart and os.path.exists(tri_filename) and not poly_created: # Read triangle mesh if verbose: print('Reading triangular mesh.') print('Triangular mesh filename: ' + tri_filename) tmesh = TriMesh.from_file(tri_filename) tri_created = False else: tri_created = True # Create triangular mesh if verbose: print('Creating triangular mesh.') tmesh = TriMesh.from_polymesh(pmesh, phases, mesher, mesh_min_angle, mesh_max_volume, mesh_max_edge_length, mesh_size) # Write triangular mesh tri_types = filetypes.get('tri', []) if type(tri_types) != list: tri_types = [tri_types] for tri_type in tri_types: fname = tri_filename.replace('.txt', exts[tri_type]) if tri_created or not os.path.exists(fname): tmesh.write(fname, tri_type, seeds, pmesh) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Plot Triangular Mesh # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # plot_types = filetypes.get('tri_plot', ['png']) if not plot_types: plot_types = [] elif type(plot_types) is not list: plot_types = [plot_types] plot_files = [] for ext in plot_types: fname = os.path.join(directory, 'trimesh.' + str(ext)) if tri_created or not os.path.exists(fname): plot_files.append(fname) if plot_files and verbose: print('Plotting triangular mesh.') plot_tri(tmesh, phases, seeds, pmesh, plot_files, plot_axes, color_by, colormap, **tri_kwargs) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Perform Verification # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # if not verify: if verbose: print('Finished running MicroStructPy.') return if verbose: print('Performing verification.') # Set, create verification results directory ver_dir = os.path.join(directory, 'verification') if not os.path.exists(ver_dir): os.makedirs(ver_dir) # Set plot types plottypes = filetypes.get('verify_plot', ['png']) if type(plottypes) is not list: plottypes = [plottypes] # Verify volume fractions vol_fracs = verification.volume_fractions(pmesh, len(phases)) vf_fname = os.path.join(ver_dir, 'volume_fractions.txt') verification.write_volume_fractions(vol_fracs, phases, vf_fname) fnames = [os.path.join(ver_dir, 'volume_fractions.' + ext) for ext in plottypes] verification.plot_volume_fractions(vol_fracs, phases, fnames) # Screen out certain seeds on the boundaries n_dim = domain.n_dim default_shape = {2: 'circle', 3: 'sphere'}[n_dim] verif_mask = np.full(len(seeds), True) for neighbors in pmesh.facet_neighbors: if min(neighbors) < 0: cell_num = max(neighbors) seed_num = pmesh.seed_numbers[cell_num] phase_num = pmesh.phase_numbers[cell_num] phase = phases[phase_num] phase_geom = phase.get('shape', default_shape) if phase_geom in ['square', 'rectangle']: verif_mask[seed_num] = False # Determine seeds of best fit fit_seeds = verification.seeds_of_best_fit(seeds, phases, pmesh, tmesh) filename = os.path.join(ver_dir, 'fit_seeds.txt') fit_seeds.write(filename) # Create distribution plots verification.plot_distributions(fit_seeds, phases, ver_dir, plottypes, pmesh, verif_mask) # Write Maximum Likelihood Estimates mle_phases = verification.mle_phases(fit_seeds, phases, pmesh, verif_mask) mle_fname = os.path.join(ver_dir, 'mles.txt') verification.write_mle_phases(phases, mle_phases, mle_fname) # Write Error Statistics error_stats = verification.error_stats(fit_seeds, seeds, phases, pmesh, verif_mask) err_fname = os.path.join(ver_dir, 'err_stats.txt') verification.write_error_stats(error_stats, phases, err_fname) if verbose: print('Finished running MicrostructPy.')
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # # Created Unpositioned List of Seeds # # # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _unpositioned_seeds(phases, domain, rng_seeds={}): if domain.n_dim == 2: dom_vol = domain.area else: dom_vol = domain.volume return seeding.SeedList.from_info(phases, dom_vol, rng_seeds) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # # Plot Seeds # # # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]def plot_seeds(seeds, phases, domain, plot_files=[], plot_axes=True, color_by='material', colormap='viridis', **edge_kwargs): """Plot seeds This function creates formatted plots of a :class:`.SeedList`. Args: seeds (SeedList): Seed list to plot. phases (list): List of phase dictionaries. See :ref:`phase_dict_guide` for more details. domain (from :mod:`microstructpy.geometry`): Domain geometry. plot_files (list): *(optional)* List of files to save the output plot. Defaults to saving the plot to ``polymesh.png``. plot_axes (bool): *(optional)* Flag to turn the axes on or off. True shows the axes, False removes them. Defaults to True. color_by (str): *(optional)* {'material' | 'seed number' | 'material number'} Option to choose how the polygons/polyhedra are colored. Defaults to 'material'. colormap (str): *(optional)* Name of the matplotlib colormap to color the seeds. Ignored if `color_by='material'`. Defaults to 'viridis', the standard matplotlib colormap. See `Choosing Colormaps in Matplotlib`_ for more details. **edge_kwargs: additional keyword arguments that will be passed to :meth:`.SeedList.plot`. """ if not plot_files: return phase_names = [] given_names = False for i, phase in enumerate(phases): if 'name' in phase: given_names = True name = phase.get('name', 'Material ' + str(i + 1)) phase_names.append(name) seed_colors = _seed_colors(seeds, phases, color_by, colormap) n_dim = seeds[0].geometry.n_dim # Set up axes plt.clf() plt.close('all') fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection={2: None, 3:}[n_dim], label='seeds') if not plot_axes: if n_dim == 2: ax.set_axis_off() ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) else: ax._axis3don = False # Plot seeds edge_kwargs.setdefault('edgecolors', {2: 'k', 3: 'none'}[n_dim]) if given_names and color_by == 'material': seeds.plot(material=phase_names, facecolors=seed_colors, loc=4, **edge_kwargs) else: seeds.plot(facecolors=seed_colors, **edge_kwargs) # Crop to Domain d_lims = domain.limits if n_dim == 2: plt.axis('square') plt.xlim(d_lims[0]) plt.ylim(d_lims[1]) elif n_dim == 3: plt.gca().set_xlim(d_lims[0]) plt.gca().set_ylim(d_lims[1]) plt.gca().set_zlim(d_lims[2]) _misc.axisEqual3D(plt.gca()) # Save plot for fname in plot_files: if n_dim == 3: fig.subplots_adjust(**_misc.plt_3d_adj) plt.savefig(fname, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.15) else: plt.savefig(fname, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) plt.close('all')
def _seed_colors(seeds, phases, color_by='material', colormap='viridis'): if color_by == 'material': return [_phase_color(s.phase, phases) for s in seeds] elif color_by == 'seed number': n = len(seeds) return [_cm_color(i / (n - 1), colormap) for i in range(n)] elif color_by == 'material number': n = len(phases) return [_cm_color(s.phase / (n - 1), colormap) for s in seeds] def _phase_color(i, phases): return phases[i].get('color', 'C' + str(i % 10)) def _phase_color_by(i, phases, color_by='material', colormap='viridis'): if color_by == 'material': return phases[i].get('color', 'C' + str(i % 10)) elif color_by == 'material number': n = len(phases) return _cm_color(i / (n - 1), colormap) def _cm_color(f, colormap='viridis'): return plt.get_cmap(colormap)(f) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # # Plot Polygon # # # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]def plot_poly(pmesh, phases, plot_files=['polymesh.png'], plot_axes=True, color_by='material', colormap='viridis', **edge_kwargs): """Plot polygonal/polyhedral mesh This function creates formatted plots of a :class:`.PolyMesh`. Args: pmesh (PolyMesh): Polygonal mesh to plot. phases (list): List of phase dictionaries. See :ref:`phase_dict_guide` for more details. plot_files (list): *(optional)* List of files to save the output plot. Defaults to saving the plot to ``polymesh.png``. plot_axes (bool): *(optional)* Flag to turn the axes on or off. True shows the axes, False removes them. Defaults to True. color_by (str): *(optional)* {'material' | 'seed number' | 'material number'} Option to choose how the polygons/polyhedra are colored. Defaults to 'material'. colormap (str): *(optional)* Name of the matplotlib colormap to color the seeds. Ignored if `color_by='material'`. Defaults to 'viridis', the standard matplotlib colormap. See `Choosing Colormaps in Matplotlib`_ for more details. **edge_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments that will be passed to :meth:`.PolyMesh.plot_facets` in 2D and :meth:`.PolyMesh.plot` in 3D. """ if not plot_files: return n_dim = len(pmesh.points[0]) phase_colors = [] phase_names = [] given_names = False for i, phase in enumerate(phases): color = phase.get('color', 'C' + str(i % 10)) if 'name' in phase: given_names = True name = phase.get('name', 'Material ' + str(i + 1)) phase_colors.append(color) phase_names.append(name) # Set up axes plt.clf() plt.close('all') fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection={2: None, 3:}[n_dim], label='poly') if not plot_axes: if n_dim == 2: ax.set_axis_off() ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) else: ax._axis3don = False # Plot polygons fcs = _poly_colors(pmesh, phases, color_by, colormap, n_dim) if n_dim == 2: if given_names and color_by == 'material': pmesh.plot(facecolors=fcs, material=phase_names) else: pmesh.plot(facecolors=fcs) edge_color = edge_kwargs.pop('edgecolors', (0, 0, 0, 1)) facet_colors = [] for neigh_pair in pmesh.facet_neighbors: if facet_check(neigh_pair, pmesh, phases): facet_colors.append(edge_color) # black else: facet_colors.append('none') edge_kwargs.setdefault('capstyle', 'round') pmesh.plot_facets(color=facet_colors, index_by='facet', **edge_kwargs) else: edge_kwargs.setdefault('edgecolors', 'k') if given_names and color_by == 'material': pmesh.plot(facecolors=fcs, index_by='seed', material=phase_names, **edge_kwargs) else: pmesh.plot(facecolors=fcs, index_by='seed', **edge_kwargs) # save plot for fname in plot_files: if n_dim == 3: fig.subplots_adjust(**_misc.plt_3d_adj) plt.savefig(fname, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.15) else: plt.savefig(fname, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) plt.close('all')
def _poly_colors(pmesh, phases, color_by, colormap, n_dim): if n_dim == 2: if color_by == 'material': r_colors = [_phase_color(n, phases) for n in pmesh.phase_numbers] elif color_by == 'seed number': n = max(pmesh.seed_numbers) + 1 r_colors = [_cm_color(s / (n - 1), colormap) for s in pmesh.seed_numbers] elif color_by == 'material number': n = len(phases) r_colors = [_cm_color(p / (n - 1), colormap) for p in pmesh.phase_numbers] n_seeds = max(pmesh.seed_numbers) + 1 s_colors = ['none' for i in range(n_seeds)] for seed_num, r_c in zip(pmesh.seed_numbers, r_colors): s_colors[seed_num] = r_c return s_colors else: s2p = {s: p for s, p in zip(pmesh.seed_numbers, pmesh.phase_numbers)} n = max(s2p.keys()) + 1 colors = [] for s in range(n): if color_by == 'material': phase_num = s2p[s] color = _phase_color(phase_num, phases) elif color_by == 'seed number': color = _cm_color(s / (n - 1), colormap) elif color_by == 'material number': n_phases = len(phases) color = _cm_color(s2p[s] / (n_phases - 1), colormap) else: color = 'none' colors.append(color) return colors # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # # Plot Triangular Mesh # # # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]def plot_tri(tmesh, phases, seeds, pmesh, plot_files=[], plot_axes=True, color_by='material', colormap='viridis', **edge_kwargs): """Plot seeds This function creates formatted plots of a :class:`.TriMesh`. Args: tmesh (TriMesh): Triangular mesh to plot. phases (list): List of phase dictionaries. See :ref:`phase_dict_guide` for more details. seeds (SeedList): List of seed geometries. pmesh (PolyMesh): Polygonal mesh from which ``tmesh`` was generated. plot_files (list): *(optional)* List of files to save the output plot. Defaults to saving the plot to ``polymesh.png``. plot_axes (bool): *(optional)* Flag to turn the axes on or off. True shows the axes, False removes them. Defaults to True. color_by (str): *(optional)* {'material' | 'seed number' | 'material number'} Option to choose how the polygons/polyhedra are colored. Defaults to 'material'. colormap (str): *(optional)* Name of the matplotlib colormap to color the seeds. Ignored if `color_by='material'`. Defaults to 'viridis', the standard matplotlib colormap. See `Choosing Colormaps in Matplotlib`_ for more details. **edge_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments that will be passed to :meth:`.TriMesh.plot`. """ if not plot_files: return n_dim = len(tmesh.points[0]) phase_colors = [] phase_names = [] given_names = False for i, phase in enumerate(phases): color = phase.get('color', 'C' + str(i % 10)) name = phase.get('name', 'Material ' + str(i + 1)) phase_colors.append(color) phase_names.append(name) if 'name' in phase: given_names = True # Set up axes plt.clf() plt.close('all') fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection={2: None, 3:}[n_dim], label='tri') if not plot_axes: if n_dim == 2: ax.set_axis_off() ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) else: ax._axis3don = False # Determine which facets are visible vis_regions = set() invis_regions = set(range(-6, 0)) f_front = set([i for i, fn in enumerate(pmesh.facet_neighbors) if min(fn) < 0]) while f_front: new_front = set() for f in f_front: neighs = set(pmesh.facet_neighbors[f]) for n in neighs - invis_regions: p = pmesh.phase_numbers[n] p_type = phases[p].get('material_type', 'solid') if p_type in _misc.kw_void: new_front |= set(pmesh.regions[n]) else: vis_regions.add(n) new_front -= f_front f_front = new_front # Determine facet colors based on visibility seed_colors = _seed_colors(seeds, phases, color_by, colormap) facet_colors = [] facet_phases = [] for i, fn in enumerate(pmesh.facet_neighbors): if _f_plottable(fn, vis_regions, invis_regions): r = list(set(fn) - invis_regions)[0] s = pmesh.seed_numbers[r] color = seed_colors[s] phase = seeds[s].phase else: color = 'none' phase = -1 facet_colors.append(color) facet_phases.append(phase) # plot triangle mesh edge_kwargs.setdefault('linewidths', {2: 0.5, 3: 0.1}[n_dim]) edge_kwargs.setdefault('edgecolors', 'k') if color_by in ('material', 'material number'): n = len(phases) if n_dim == 2: cs = seed_colors else: cs = facet_colors cs.append('none') cs = [_phase_color_by(i, phases, color_by, colormap) for i in range(n)] cs.append('none') old_e_att = np.copy(tmesh.element_attributes) old_f_att = np.copy(tmesh.facet_attributes) tmesh.element_attributes = [seeds[i].phase for i in old_e_att] tmesh.facet_attributes = [facet_phases[a] for a in old_f_att] if given_names: tmesh.plot(facecolors=cs, index_by='attribute', material=phase_names, **edge_kwargs) else: tmesh.plot(facecolors=cs, index_by='attribute', **edge_kwargs) tmesh.element_attributes = old_e_att tmesh.facet_attributes = old_f_att else: fcs = {2: seed_colors, 3: facet_colors}[n_dim] tmesh.plot(facecolors=fcs, index_by='attribute', **edge_kwargs) # save plot for fname in plot_files: if n_dim == 3: fig.subplots_adjust(**_misc.plt_3d_adj) plt.savefig(fname, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.15) else: plt.savefig(fname, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) plt.close('all')
def _f_plottable(n_pair, vis, invis): if set(n_pair) <= vis or set(n_pair) <= invis: return False return True # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # # Recursively Convert Dictionary Contents # # # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]def dict_convert(dictionary, filepath='.'): """Convert dictionary from xmltodict_ The xmltodict_ ``parse`` method creates dictionaries with values that are all strings, rather than strings, floats, ints, etc. This function recursively searches the dictionary for string values and attempts to convert the dictionary values. If a dictionary contains the key ``dist_type``, it is assumed that the corresponding name is a :mod:`scipy.stats` statistical distribution and the remaining keys are inputs for that distribution, with two exceptions. First, if the value of ``dist_type`` is ``cdf``, then the remaining key should be ``filename`` and its value should be the path to a CSV file, where each row contains the (x, CDF) points along the CDF curve. Second, if the value of ``dist_type`` is ``histogram``, then the remaining key should also be ``filename`` and its value should be the path to a CSV file. For the histogram, the first row of this CDF should be the *n* bin heights and the second row should be the *n+1* bin locations. Additionally, if a key in the dictionary contains ``filename`` or ``directory`` and the value associated with that key is a relative path, then the filepath is converted from a relative to an absolute path using the ``filepath`` input as the reference point. This behavior can be switched off by setting ``filepath=False``. Args: dictionary (list, dict, or collections.OrderedDict): Dictionary or dictionaries to be converted. filepath (str): *(optional)* Reference path to resolve relative paths. Returns: list or collections.OrderedDict: A copy of the input where the string values have been converted. If only one dict is passed into the function, then an instance of :class:`collections.OrderedDict` is returned. .. _xmltodict: """ # Convert lists if isinstance(dictionary, list): return [dict_convert(d) for d in dictionary] # Convert strings if isinstance(dictionary, str): s = _misc.from_str(dictionary) if isinstance(s, str) and ',' in s: s = [_misc.from_str(ss) for ss in s.split(',')] return s # Convert Nones if dictionary is None: return {} # Convert filepaths for key in dictionary: val = dictionary[key] if any([s in key.lower() for s in ('filename', 'directory')]): val = os.path.expanduser(val) if not os.path.isabs(val) and filepath: new_val = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(filepath, val)) else: new_val = val dictionary[key] = new_val # Convert SciPy.stats distributions if 'dist_type' in dictionary: return _dist_convert(dictionary) # Convert Dictionaries new_dict = collections.OrderedDict() for key in dictionary: val = dictionary[key] new_val = dict_convert(val, filepath) new_dict[key] = new_val return new_dict
def _dist_convert(dist_dict): """Convert distribution dictionary to distribution""" dist_type = dist_dict['dist_type'].strip().lower() params = {k: _misc.from_str(v) for k, v in dist_dict.items()} del params['dist_type'] if dist_type == 'cdf': cdf_filename = params['filename'] with open(cdf_filename, 'r') as file: cdf = [[float(s) for s in line.split(',')] for line in file] bin_bnds = [x for x, _ in cdf] bin_cnts = [cdf[i + 1][1] - cdf[i][1] for i in range(len(cdf) - 1)] return scipy.stats.rv_histogram(tuple([bin_cnts, bin_bnds])) elif dist_type == 'histogram': hist_filename = params['filename'] with open(hist_filename, 'r') as file: hist = [[float(s) for s in line.split(',')] for line in file] return scipy.stats.rv_histogram(tuple(hist)) else: return scipy.stats.__dict__[dist_type](**params) if __name__ == '__main__': main()